What Is Your Metabolic Age And How Can You Improve It?

Have you ever wondered what your metabolic age is? Do you act like you’re 60, even though you’re only 40? Then it’s time to discover how you can improve it.
What is your metabolic age and how can you improve it?

The metabolic age represents the actual health of your body. This can be significantly different from your biological age. So they won’t necessarily be the same.

Sometimes you look in the mirror and say things to yourself like “I look a lot older than I am.”  Yet few people do anything about it.

Along the same lines, you may think you’ve already done everything you could. Yet there are actually still very simple strategies that you can put into practice.

On the other hand, you may experience the following when you participate in a social gathering. For example, you can determine that your friends from your school days still have the same cheerful spirit. They also look healthy and radiant.

You may be asking yourself this question:  “How is it possible that time has no effect on some people?” You can find all the answers in one place: your metabolic age.

How do you calculate your metabolic age?

How do you calculate your metabolic age

Typically, a health care professional can calculate it during a medical exam. We recommend that you rely on what your doctor says, not what your personal trainers at the gym may say (they also offer as one of their services to calculate your metabolic age).

However, you can also do this approximate calculation yourself. You must have the following information:

  • age
  • length
  • the size of your waist
  • weight
  • Body Mass Index (BMI or QI)

Once you have all the data, you can use a calculator to calculate the metabolic age. Those are available online.

Be careful though! Keep in mind that the data from these calculations is approximate. Only your doctor can give you a definite answer.

What is your basal metabolism?

Your basal metabolic rate is an indication of the energy your body is wasting when it is at rest. It’s directly linked to the calories you need to eat to deal with this energy waste.

“We eat exactly the same. However, I am gaining weight for both of us.” Many people make this comment regularly. Nor is it just a feeling. This happens because you have different basal metabolic rates.

There are people who digest food faster than others. They also burn energy in a more efficient way.

What Factors Affect Metabolic Age?

  • Age
  • Hormones
  • The muscular system
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Diet and metabolism
  • Disorders that are linked to your thyroid
  • The frequency at which you do physical activities

All of these factors influence your metabolic age. However, they are not an excuse to stop improving yourself as you have to.

How can it help us to know our metabolic age?

Being aware of your metabolic age helps you take control of your health. The goal should be to make sure it is equal to or less than your chronological age.

Here’s what your body can do when it’s in good shape:

  • It improves your fitness and your physical appearance.
  • You are able to plan future actions to improve your metabolism.
  • You know the amount of calories you need to eat daily to be healthy.
  • If you want to stay healthy for a long time, you take the reins of your life.
  • You prevent future diseases caused by excess fat or loss of muscle.

Can you lower your metabolic age?

The answer is YES. The first step is to make the decision. To achieve improvements in the health of your body, you must first change some habits in your life.

Willpower is a key factor in this venture. The plan to rejuvenate your body involves three important aspects, which we discuss below. They are very easy and help you to improve in a short time.

Physical activity

Exercising increases your metabolic age

Following a daily training program promotes your metabolism. That’s because it develops your musculature. It also ensures a higher consumption of energy.

In addition, you burn calories during a workout. It is important that your training plan includes various activities such as:

  • to walk
  • some aerobic activities
  • exercises with weights

A balanced diet

It is also important that you forget about fried foods and junk foods. So you need to find healthy foods. Eat more healthy products such as:

  • vegetables
  • lean meat
  • whole grains

It is also fundamental that you eat at set times and do not skip meals. We also recommend drinking plenty of water. That way you stay hydrated and stimulate the metabolism.

Sleep well

A good night's sleep increases your metabolic age

Your body needs enough hours of rest to work properly. You can take some measures to get more rest and improve your sleep quality. We give you some examples:

  • Take a hot bath or shower.
  • Drink warm tea before going to sleep.
  • Clear your mind by reading.
  • Perform some yoga poses. They help you to relax and therefore sleep better.

If you follow these three tips, you will quickly notice changes. Your body will start to feel younger. In addition, your health will improve significantly.

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