Weight Loss With Fennel Seeds In These 3 Ways

Fennel seeds may have digestive and anti-inflammatory properties that may support weight loss. Consuming them regularly can help fight constipation and reduce bloating.
Weight loss with fennel seeds in these 3 ways

There are many weight loss remedies with fennel seeds that can be helpful to achieve good results while dieting. Thanks to their interesting properties, we recommend consuming them to help with anxiety, help improve digestion and possibly boost your metabolism.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is the only species of the genus Foeniculum. Both the bulb and the seeds have been part of the human diet for hundreds of years. However, when it comes to weight loss, these are possibly the best seeds.

You can easily combine them with other ingredients to help eliminate toxins and break down fats. While they don’t magically burn fat, they are a great tool for shedding those few extra pounds. How can you use them?

The Benefits Of Weight Loss With Fennel Seeds

Before explaining how you can achieve weight loss with fennel seeds, let’s first talk about their main benefits. While some people use fennel as a carminative and anti-inflammatory food, they may also aid in weight loss. Other possible benefits of fennel seeds include:

  • May help combat sluggish digestion, constipation and bloating.
  • Can help to regulate your liver, to support the digestion of fats.
  • May have diuretic properties that may help improve kidney function and prevent fluid retention.
  • Support blood detoxification by eliminating potentially toxic substances that can affect health.
  • Possibly longer suppression of your appetite, so that you do not feel hungry again so quickly.
  • Can help calm excess acidity and possibly reduce excess gas in your gut.

How to prepare weight loss remedies with fennel seeds

fennel seeds

You can include fennel seeds for weight loss in your diet in many different ways. Dried seeds are ideal, for example, to flavor fish or as a decoration on cakes. However, you can also use them in drinks. Check out these options!

1. Fennel Seed Tea

Tea is the traditional way to achieve weight loss with fennel seeds. Because of the aforementioned possible properties, you can also drink it if you suffer from indigestion or stomach pain.


  • 5 g fennel seed
  • 250ml water

Preparation and consumption

  • First, add the seeds to a cup of boiling water.
  • Then cover the drink and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Drain it in a sieve or filter.
  • Then drink a cup of this tea before each meal.

2. Fennel seed and lemon drink

Fennel seeds and tea

Adding a little lemon juice to the tea may help optimize the slimming effects. In addition, this makes the drink alkaline. In doing so, you can help reduce the acidity that may cause digestive problems and inflammation.


  • 5 g fennel seed
  • 250ml water
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 25 g honey

Preparation and consumption

  • Add the fennel seeds to a cup of water.
  • Then boil the drink. Reduce the heat once the water begins to bubble.
  • After 5 minutes, turn off the fire.
  • Then let it stand for 10 minutes and drain.
  • Finally, add the lemon juice and a spoonful of honey.
  • Drink this tea on an empty stomach at least three times a week.

3. Shake with fennel and plum seeds

Fennel seeds and plums

Using plum and fennel seeds is an interesting and delicious way to support weight loss. However, keep in mind that it is a drug with possible laxative properties, which can help you regulate your bowel movements.

So if you drink too much of it, it can be counterproductive if you don’t have constipation. For that reason, it is better to drink this shake moderately, a maximum of 2-3 times a week.


  • 6 large plums
  • 5 g fennel seed
  • 30 g soaked linseed
  • 5 g soaked hemp seed
  • 250ml water

Preparation and consumption

  • First, add the linseed and hemp seeds to individual cups of water.
  • Soak them overnight so that they become soft.
  • The next day, boil the plums in a cup of water and then add the fennel seeds.
  • Then turn the heat to low, let it boil for 10 minutes and then turn off the heat.
  • Pour the tea into a blender once it has cooled to room temperature.
  • Then add the seeds you soaked and mix them.
  • Finally, drink the shake on an empty stomach, following the recommendations we mentioned earlier.
  • If you are constipated, drink the shake for 5 days in a row.

Want to try fennel seeds for weight loss? You can buy them at any health food store. Of course, don’t forget that you need to follow healthy habits to get great results.

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