Try This Recipe For Chicken In Cheese Sauce

The role of both foods was and still is very important for the history of human nutrition. This combination has been used for a long time.
Try this recipe for chicken in cheese sauce

There are some recipes that will succeed at the table on any occasion. Such is the case with this delicious chicken in cheese sauce recipe.

Chicken and cheese are very good companions, as their flavors work very well together. For this reason, a chicken in cheese sauce recipe is a safe bet, especially when accompanied by a garnish of mixed vegetables.

Chicken in our diet

chicken breast with lemon slices

Chicken, in the form of a domesticated animal, comes from the Indus River Valley region. This region is located in what is now Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India. This domestication took place about 4,500 years ago.

The development of trade caused it to be brought to Persia later. Later, the chickens arrived in Europe thanks to the Germans and through the work of the Roman Empire.

Chicken in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, lunches offered by the feudal lords were a symbol of power and pomp. Chicken was served whole and the chefs prepared it in different ways. It was highly appreciated for various types of banquets.

When the harvest time came to an end, people celebrated by eating chicken. This was a way of showing gratitude to God for the success of the harvest.


Meanwhile, cheese goes back to the days of animal domestication. This most likely takes us back to the Neolithic period. The most widespread version in history is that cheese was not invented, but appeared spontaneously.

Seeing the natural curdling of milk, the process was recorded and then induced using various techniques. So any recipe for chicken in cheese sauce contains a lot of gastronomic history.

Recipe for chicken in cheese sauce

fried chicken breast


  • 100 g cream cheese
  • 2 cloves chopped garlic
  • 200 ml condensed milk (1 cup)
  • Salt and pepper as needed
  • 20 grams of butter (1 tablespoon)
  • 400 grams chicken breast, cut into cubes (2 pieces)
  • 150 grams onion, diced (1 piece)
  • 100 ml herbal juice or chicken stock (1/2 glass)


  • First, melt the butter in a large pan.
  • The diced chicken must already be seasoned with salt and pepper. Fry it in the butter and then keep stirring to prevent browning. It should be baked, but not browned.
  • Chicken contains liquid and that comes out during cooking. You have to wait for this liquid to evaporate.
  • Then add the onion and garlic and fry until the onion becomes transparent. Then add the herbs or half a cup of chicken stock.
  • Finally, pour the condensed milk into the pan over the chicken, onion and garlic. Also add the cream cheese.
  • Let it cook over medium or low heat until the chicken breast is perfectly cooked and the cream has reduced.

This is a dish that can be eaten very well on its own, but it can also be combined with pasta. It’s simple and tender and a good idea for any gathering. It will be a pleasant surprise for your family.

Chicken in cheese sauce: a simple and quick recipe

chicken breast with a tomato


  • 500 grams chicken breast (1 piece)
  • 3 cylinders cheese, cut into portions
  • 15 grams of cheese spread (1 tablespoon)
  • 100 grams grated cheese (1/2 cup)
  • 200 ml cream (1 cup)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Parsley and chives
  • Nutmeg
  • Pepper
  • Salty


  • First clean the chicken breast and remove all fat residue. It must be dry to bake. You can use kitchen roll for this.
  • Then sprinkle salt and pepper to taste over the fillet and brown it in a pan with a little oil.
  • When golden, remove from heat, cover and set aside.
  • Then melt the three types of cheese in the remaining oil from the pan, stirring constantly.
  • Then add the cream and keep stirring. The sauce should reduce and thicken.
  • Adjust the amount of salt to taste.
  • When serving, place the chicken breast in a bowl, top with the sauce, then garnish with chopped parsley and chives.

Enjoy this delicious recipe!

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