This Smoothie Fights Hair Loss And Provides Spectacular Hair

This smoothie contains vitamins and nutrients. This way you can fight hair loss from within with natural ingredients.

With the changing of the seasons, especially with the onset of autumn and spring, many men and women experience temporary hair loss. In some cases this can be painful.

Fortunately, there are natural ways to prevent this. With natural means we can provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, so that the hair is not damaged, but remains healthy.

In this article we show you how to make a tasty and healthy smoothie that helps to fight alopecia or hair loss.

Change Your Diet Habits to Fight Hair Loss

Hair loss can have various causes. Endocrine disorders and nutritional deficiencies are some examples. Since those causes are the two main ones, we will discuss them here.

Thus, hormonal disorders as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause hair loss.  With the right nutrition you can tackle and reverse this problem. 

Foods with, among other things, medicinal properties

For this article, we have selected some foods that have medicinal properties. Add those foods to your daily diet.

  • They provide the body with everything it needs to function properly and healthily.
  • So you will not have to take any medication or supplements.

Smoothies are simple and easy to make, plus it’s a simple way to incorporate several foods at the same time. That’s why we suggest that you drink a smoothie every day. It will help you to avoid and fight hair loss, and your hair will be healthy again.

How do you prepare the smoothie?

We give you an overview of different ingredients with which you can make the smoothie. The goal is to address alopecia or hair loss.


All vegetables with green leaves are very good for keeping the hair healthy, because they contain vitamins A and C. These vitamins promote the natural hydration of the hair.

In addition, you ensure sufficient iron in the body if you regularly eat leafy vegetables. After all, these vegetables contain copious amounts of iron. Spinach is therefore an important ingredient for your smoothie, because iron deficiency can cause hair loss.


Strawberries are rich in folic acid and vitamins B6 and B7. They also contain silicone, which is an important mineral for hair.

With these nutrients, the hair will become soft and shiny. At the same time, by eating strawberries, you can avoid and combat dandruff and other scalp problems.


All whole grains are important for good health and beautiful hair.

Oats contain B vitamins, which stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. An additional advantage is that it makes the hair thicker and stronger.


All citrus fruits, including oranges, contain a large amount of vitamin C. This vitamin promotes the formation of collagen, which is important for healthy hair. It also makes the hair soft and strong.


Nuts are rich in minerals, which are essential for healthy hair. If you have fine and brittle hair, walnuts are a very healthy way to make the hair stronger. The minerals give the hair enough elasticity, so that it does not break. Thus, walnuts are a great remedy to combat hair loss.

linseed oil

The oil from linseed is rich in important fatty acids. They stimulate the growth from the hair follicle and provide the hydration of the hair.

Flaxseed oil is an important ingredient to care for dry hair and damaged ends.

brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is an ideal supplement for hair, skin and nails. Many people take it to prevent hair loss, because brewer’s yeast has a high content of vitamins and minerals.


This vegetable root comes from Peru. Maca is a very beneficial food for the hair. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, especially iron.

Maca is also excellent for regulating hormones. It has a positive effect on both men and women and without side effects.

What quantities do you need for the smoothie?

We need the following quantities to make the smoothie:

  • A handful of tender spinach
  • 5 ripe strawberries (organic if possible)
  • One tablespoon of oat flakes (10 g)
  • A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (200 ml)
  • One tablespoon of linseed oil (15 g)
  • 4 raw unsalted nuts
  • One tablespoon of brewer’s yeast (10 g)
  • One teaspoon of maca powder (5 g)

How do you prepare?

  • First squeeze the orange juice.
  • Then blend the orange juice with the other ingredients in the blender for at least 1 minute, until you have a creamy texture with no chunks.
  • For example, the best time to drink the smoothie is in the morning on an empty stomach. That way it has more effect.
  • We also recommend preparing the smoothie just before drinking it. That way you retain all the useful nutrients.

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