The Test With The Six Houses

Your dream home reveals more about you and your feelings than you can imagine. Even when someone is very young, you can learn a lot about his or her personality based on his or her choice.
The test with the six houses

The test with the six houses: everyone has a dream house in mind. A specific kind of house or certain details that make it the most cozy place on earth.

The type of house you dream of and the main features of that house (such as the doors, windows, size etc.) not only say something about how you envision your future, but it also reflects some aspects of how your life and personality put together. 

According to several psychologists and other experts  , the choice of a particular house is directly linked to:

  • Someone’s interests
  • Idea of ​​family
  • Emotions
  • The way their brain works

This relationship between a house and one’s personality manifests itself very early. This is because as a child you make drawings of a certain type of house. This relationship continues to develop until you reach middle age and have a very concrete idea of ​​what your dream home looks like.

To get a better idea of ​​what type of personality you have based on your choice of a particular home, we would like to ask you to choose one of the six homes in the photo above. What this choice actually means for your personality, we will tell you in the rest of this article.

The test with the six houses

House No. 1

Sporty People

People who choose the first house of the six houses are generally noble, enthusiastic and funny and have a passion for adventure.

This type of personality is always looking for ways to escape from the boring routine of life and usually enjoys travelling, sports or other activities that make them happy.

People who choose house no. 1 can be impulsive . Because of this, it is not always easy to say no to them. This can sometimes lead to irresponsible behavior.

As already mentioned, these people are very good at planning adventures and guaranteeing a lot of fun, but they have to be careful that this pleasure does not interfere with daily reality. This type needs to learn not just to live in the future, but to enjoy every moment of every day.

House No. 2

The second house represents people who are responsible and who are very passionate about their obligations. Above all, these people are also always friendly and honest with the people around them.

One of the more dominating character traits of this type of person is empathy. Therefore, other people’s problems can sometimes become their own, which can be detrimental from time to time.

People who choose house 2 often worry about the future, which can lead to anxiety attacks. The best advice we can give these people is to just go with the flow sometimes and show their best side at any time of the day.

House No. 3

Organized Person

The people who choose house number three of the six houses represent the type of person who is strong in the shoes. So they don’t shy away from any challenge. These people work hard and effectively to achieve all their goals.

They are competitive and want to do everything they can to effectively achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Still, it’s important that they learn to control their emotions, because not everything in life always goes the way you want it to. Therefore, these types must learn to deal with failures.

If you chose the third house, remember that working ’til you drop isn’t always the best option. It is much better to finish things one by one, but as quickly as possible to avoid stressful situations and their consequences on your health.

It is important that you learn:

  • Organize your time better.
  • Respect the schedule you have set for yourself.
  • Don’t forget to spend time with your friends and family every now and then.

House No. 4

The fourth house stands for tolerance, honesty and the urge to live in complete harmony with everything and everyone around you. People who choose this house will try to avoid conflict or confrontation as much as possible. They are often a little quieter and enjoy being surrounded by their dearest friends.

A calm life is one of the greatest virtues for them. However, they have to accept that certain situations are supposed to push them forward. It is not healthy to hope that unpleasant situations will resolve themselves, as that can lead to more problems.

House No. 5


People who consider the fifth house of the six houses to be their dream home see the world through a screen of emotions resulting from their life experiences. This allows them to be very emotional, both in the case of happiness and sadness and both for themselves and for others.

Since this type of personality is so emotional, their biggest challenge is to differentiate enough between different situations and the feelings they associate with them. They must learn to understand that what they feel may not be directly caused by an external factor.

So it’s a good idea for these people to spend more time communicating and make sure they’re less likely to jump to certain conclusions.

House No. 6

This last house of the six houses is usually chosen by people who are generous, efficient and talented. Also, these people often excel in a wide variety of disciplines or activities.

Their main weakness is that they are often impatient and become desperate when they see that the rest of the world doesn’t think or act the way they do.

A challenge for this group of people is to learn to use their talents to help other people and to understand and apply the concepts of tolerance and patience. In this way, not only will their interpersonal relationships improve, but they will also lead a fuller life.

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