The Seven Most Effective Exercises Against A Double Chin

In just a few minutes a day, you can strengthen your jaw and neck muscles, reducing your double chin.
The seven most effective exercises against a double chin

A double chin is very unpleasant and also looks really ugly when you look at yourself in the mirror or in a photo. There are some exercises against a double chin, which are easy and effective.

Fat accumulation in this part of the body may indicate that you are prone to a metabolic disease. Not only do people who are overweight suffer from a double chin, but you can also develop one if you have slack jaw muscles, causing your face to lose its shape.

This usually happens after a certain age, but always be careful. So, here are the most effective exercises against a double chin. The good news is that these exercises are quite easy, so you can do them at any time without having to leave the house.

The seven most effective exercises against a double chin

Circular Tongue Movements

  • Sit in a comfortable place with your back completely straight and your mouth closed.
  • Then make circular movements with your tongue around your palate.
  • Try to do ten reps, three times a day.
  • You can also try doing circular movements from right to left and vice versa.

Tongue pressing

  • Sit with your back completely straight, shoulders down, preferably in a comfortable place.
  • Tilt your head all the way back until you are looking at the ceiling.
  • Then press your tongue against the palate. While doing this movement with your tongue, bend your head forward so that your chin touches your chest.
  • During this exercise you should keep your tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth, so concentrate! Then relax your tongue and return to the starting position.
  • Do at least twenty reps a day.


  • You can do this exercise standing or sitting. Do what works best for you.
  • Stretch your lower lip as far from your mouth as possible, as babies do when they are about to cry.
  • While pouting, tighten your neck muscles and bend your head so that your chin touches your chest.
  • Always keep your back and shoulders straight during this exercise.
  • When your chin touches your chest, return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this at least fifteen times a day.

the O

The o exercise
  • Start with your back straight and your shoulders down.
  • Then bend your head back and form an ‘O’ with your mouth.
  • Keep your neck stiff and hold this position for 20 or 25 seconds. Then return to the starting position and repeat at least ten times a day.

Spin with your chin

  • You can do this exercise standing or sitting. The most important thing is to keep your back as straight as possible.
  • Then let your chin touch one of your shoulder and do the same to the other.
  • Your chin should make a semicircular motion and rub against your chest until it reaches the opposite shoulder. Make sure to keep your shoulders low throughout the exercise.
  • Repeat this exercise ten times.

kiss the ceiling

  • To do this exercise, you need to stand up straight with your arms down.
  • Then tilt your head back so that you are looking at the ceiling.
  • Then stretch your lips forward as far as possible, in a kissing motion, until you feel tension in your neck and chin muscles.
  • Hold for at least five seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise fifteen times a day.

Pronouncing vowels

pronounce vowels

This last of our double chin exercises is very simple and you can do it anytime.

  • Stand up straight with your back completely straight.
  • Now pronounce all the vowels slowly, with your mouth wide open.
  • Try to repeat as often as you can.

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