The Positive Effects Of Hugs On Your Health

A hug can mean a lot in the blink of an eye, but its impact goes much further as it benefits you in several ways. In today’s article you will learn more about the benefits of hugs for your health. Give it a try!
The positive effects of hugs for your health

Hugs connect us. They give us comfort and allow us to express our feelings. Plus, they can make us feel heavenly. The positive effects of hugs for your health are numerous. So don’t neglect them. After all, they are exactly a psychological injection! Find out more about their benefits in this article.

What are the positive effects of hugs?

When you give or receive a hug, the hormone oxytocin, the ‘happiness hormone’, is released. This hormone also has to do with social bonding, especially between a mother and her child.

However, it has even more positive effects.

  • Hugs lower blood pressure. 
  • They reduce the stress level.
  • They also increase your general well-being.

However, to be effective, this physical contact must be genuine and last a few seconds. There is nothing more beautiful than being able to hide in the arms of someone who loves you.

You may have learned that a hug is something ‘intimate’. It is. Still, even a hug with a stranger on the street can be just what you need to add some color to a gray day. There are also various positive effects of hugs for your health.

1. They provide your body with oxygen

Hugs are oxygen for the body

When someone hugs you, it boosts the levels of your hemoglobin. This translates into a greater supply of oxygen through the circulatory system and to the vital organs. It’s like getting younger instantly!

2. Hugs lower high blood pressure

This benefit is not only associated with stuffed animals. Also the simple act of holding the hand of someone you love causes this effect. In both cases, your heart rate slows and blood pressure lowers. This then translates into more peaceful feelings. The risk of heart problems also decreases.

3. They help a baby’s development

Hugs affect a baby's development

When they hug a newborn, mothers, relatives, doctors and nurses help the development process. After all, they increase energy and strengthen the immune system. They also help the infant to interact with its environment. Hugs also help babies recognize others!

4. They reduce stress

When you come home after a stressful day, there is nothing better than a big hug from your children, your partner or even your pet. This is because direct contact with someone you love eases your worries.

This is really one of the positive effects of hugs. After all, it helps you to forget about work or financial situations. It also automatically brings a smile to your face. A hug can help you say goodbye to stress. It works even better than a hot shower or an herbal tea.

5. Hugs boost your immune system

Hugs strengthen the immune system

Another of the positive effects of hugs is that they can help you as you get older. When you give or receive a hug, it strengthens your immune system. Especially in winter it reduces your susceptibility to disease.

So when the temperature drops, the cuddle season starts for everyone. This can help you to prevent colds and sore throats.

6. They put an end to insomnia

Hugs are like a powerful sleeping pill. They can help you during those nights when you can’t sleep. You may not be able to stop thinking about certain problems. It can also happen that a storm is raging outside. Then you have a hard time falling asleep.

Due to this lack of sleep, you experience negative effects on your health. The best medicine is sleeping next to the person you love. If you live alone, grab your dog or cat!

7. Hugs are a natural antidepressant

Hugs help with depression

In the same way that hugs help you sleep and put an end to stress, they also serve as a powerful antidepressant. If you’re feeling sad or unhappy and can’t see the meaning of life, it’s a good idea to hug someone close to you.

That contact will give meaning to your life. You will feel understood and less alone.

Other benefits of hugs

The positive effects of hugs are not only visible in health. Giving and receiving hugs has other emotional and spiritual benefits as well.

1. A greater sense of security and trust

Hugs increase your sense of security

A hug makes you feel welcome, supported and comforted. You are then able to stand in front of a crowd and give a lecture. It helps you take an exam and do well. It can also make you finally tackle something you’ve been running away from for a long time.

If you need a dose of confidence in a situation, just ask for a hug. You will relax and feel like you can handle anything.

2. Less irritability

Because they stimulate blood circulation, hugs help when you feel overwhelmed with anger. How come? The reason is that hugs make you release all that tension and relax.

If you’re in a bad mood for no particular reason, ask someone to hug you. Even a colleague can help.

3. Hugs are an expression of feelings

What better way to show someone you love them than by giving them a hug? This act is an expression of your feelings without you having to say a word.

Everyone knows the meaning of a hug. It can say many things:

  • “You can count on me.”
  • “You are important to me.”
  • “I will protect you.”
  • “I understand that!”
  • “I love you.”
  • and many more things

Hugs connect you with others. You both benefit from this contact. So it’s time to give more hugs!

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