The Importance Of Sanitizing The Bathroom

When we clean, we often don’t disinfect properly. We propose you some tricks. Discover them in this article.
The importance of sanitizing the bathroom

The bathroom is one of the most used rooms in the house. At the same time, it is one of the most polluted. That is why regularly disinfecting the bathroom is so important. You can use many tips to clean your bathroom.

The main contaminating components in the bathroom are bacteria and fungi. Humidity is the first cause of this. So make sure that you always ventilate the bathroom and that this space remains dry.

Another common cause of contamination is urine and stool residue in the toilet bowl. For that reason, you should make it a habit to empty the reservoir completely.

In addition, the remains of soap and shampoo attract mold. The same thing happens with toothpaste. In addition, they cause annoying stains in the sink.

You should thoroughly sanitize the bathroom at least once a week. Every day you can take some smaller precautions and clean. This will help reduce the risk of infection.

Where do you start with sanitizing the bathroom?

Disinfecting the bathroom: the toilet

Before you start disinfecting the bathroom, the first thing you should do is put on gloves. Because that way you prevent your hands from coming into direct contact with bacteria. In addition, they protect your hands from the corrosive effects of cleaning products.

Another aspect to consider is the importance of specific products for each area of ​​the bathroom. These are the basics for cleaning the bathroom: stain removers, disinfectants and bleach.

Be careful not to use the same cleaners for every part of the bathroom. You should use one brush or cloth for each zone.

The toilet bowl and tub or shower are the areas of the bathroom where most germs accumulate. You also have to be careful with the floor and the walls. Also keep in mind that soap, shampoo and hair residues build up in the drain.

Before you clean the shower or bath, remove all these residues. Use a sponge dampened with bleach or stain remover as this will help remove the mold from the walls.

For best results, clean the toilet bowl with bleach. It is important that you clean the edges well. Because a lot of dirt accumulates in this place. You can clean the seat with a cloth with a disinfectant product or with bleach.

When you start at the sink, first clean up the remains of toothpaste and hair. There may also be some grit from the water left behind. Soak a sponge with bleach. Because with that you can disinfect the entire sink. Then clean it with plenty of water.

Don’t forget the floors and walls of the bathroom. A cloth with hot water, soap and bleach is effective for this job. It is also important that you remove any residue from the cleaner after you apply it.

What mistakes do we make when disinfecting the bathroom?

Disinfecting the bathroom: mistakes
  1. Little or no ventilation. Some people are used to disinfecting the bathroom with the windows and door open. Open windows or a dehumidifier will prevent mold from forming due to the humidity.
  2. Forgot the shower curtain. The shower curtain comes into contact with water. That is why mold builds up there. You should clean this curtain with a cloth that you wet in water with a lot of salt. Diluted bleach is also effective.
  3. The towels were not replaced. Because they are damp, bacteria build up in towels. The ideal situation is that you replace them once a week. Do the same with the shower and washbasin rugs.
  4. Do not clean the accessories. You place your toothbrush in a cup. A lot of mold accumulates in this. This fungus will get on the bristles. We therefore recommend that you clean all accessories in the bathroom with soap and water.
  5. Forget the mirror. Vinegar and water work very well to clean the mirror. You can also use a regular mirror cleaner.

Simple tricks to disinfect the bathroom

Disinfecting the bathroom: tips
  • A mixture of vinegar and water is a powerful means of removing all types of dirt that build up in the shower. In the case of rust, you can prepare a solution of hot water, lemon and salt.
  • To remove stains from the drain, you can use baking soda and water. It is important that you use hot water because that way you achieve the best results.
  • If there are very stubborn stains, alcohol is the most effective choice. For every part alcohol, take six parts water. Mix both ingredients and apply the mixture to the stained area. Let it act for a few minutes. Then you clean it with water.

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