The Golden Age: Inner Balance And Peace

Don’t be influenced too much by what other people say about you. They don’t know you and don’t really know who you are. Try to surround yourself with people who really love you.
The Golden Age: inner balance and peace

To be happy and bring happiness to others, you must first find your inner balance. You must reach a state where you let the criticism of others slide off you and focus on your own personal enrichment.

We should all at some point reach the point where we finally find inner balance. This is the point where all criticism and all harmful and unproductive comments from others no longer affect us.

We all know that criticism and inappropriate comments affect us when they come from the people who are close to us, from the people who are important to us. That’s why it’s not always easy to say:  ‘What other people think or say about me doesn’t affect me’.

You decide how much effect the criticism of others will have on you. That is why it is important to find the maturity and inner balance that are essential to move forward peacefully and with all your heart.

We are not saying that you have to reach a certain age where you will prioritize yourself more. We are talking about mental maturity, not physical maturity.

This is a time when you find inner balance and leave much of the unnecessary baggage you have accumulated so far. This means that you have learned from your experiences and are able to turn off the things that are not positive. We suggest you take a moment to think about this.

The Golden Age does not come with age, but with inner balance and peace

Inner peace does not arise automatically when you turn thirty, forty or even sixty. You reach the Golden Age when you have finally taken the step to appreciate yourself for who you are. To take care of your own sense of well-being and at the same time understand that if you are not happy yourself, it will be very difficult to make those around you happy.


Remember the following

  • Your best age is now, not a few years ago and not in decades: it is now. That is why it is essential to reconcile your hope, self-confidence and your inner balance. No form of love is as important as the love you feel for yourself.
  • Only when you have developed an appropriate degree of self-confidence can you free yourself from toxic people. From the art of manipulation and negative people who only offer you personal torment.
  • Some people find this inner balance already when they are thirty, others even earlier or maybe a little later. In any case, it is always important to reach the point where you finally understand that you are very capable of making yourself happy and that through this you will also learn how to share your happiness with others.
  • The Golden Age means peace and inner freedom. This means taking care of your inner garden, the garden in which no one can prune your dreams or hopes. You yourself are the gardener who has grown his own personality with happiness, optimism and great strength. This will also increase your self-confidence.

Age is a matter of how you feel, not how many years have passed. That is why it is absolutely important not to place so much value on your outer beauty.

While it’s also important to maintain your appearance, it shouldn’t be a priority to be happy. It is much more important to accept yourself and the passage of time.

My true age is hidden in my smile and my outlook on life is determined by the color of my dreams


Your age is not determined by the years, nor by the wrinkles next to your eyes. Your youth or age is determined by your heart and the happiness it contains.

That is why it is important that your heart beats with passion for everything that makes you truly happy. This will power your engine for change. Your inner balance and the emotional maturity that makes you wiser by the day.

There should come a time in your life when you are finally able to say ‘no’ to hopelessness. ‘No’ to ‘I give up’ , ‘no’ to getting carried away by what others say, ‘no’ to criticism about how you are or how you view life.


  • We are all born free. We entered the world without any baggage and that is how we will leave the world. So never forget: between our birth and death we experience life. You must experience this life with as much intensity as possible.
  • Your drive for life and experience will draw the lines of your smile and the sparkle in your eyes. This is where the most positive emotions you have will reside.
  • What other people think about you will remain in this world. Their limited knowledge does not belong to you, nor does it define who you are. If the criticism is coming from people you love, respond to it and limit it. Do not allow other people to attack your values ​​and your being.
  • People who really love you will make you happy. You must never forget this. Because if people have negative or negative comments about you, it’s because they don’t know how to respect you.
To leaf through

Finally, you should always remember that the best time is now. This is the best time to prioritize yourself, to give the best of yourself to the world. Do this from the deepest core of your own happiness, your inner balance and the hope with which you take care of yourself every day.

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