The Best Natural Remedies For Liver Detoxification

You can follow this natural treatment to detoxify your liver. But it’s also important that you avoid anything that can cause harm during the detox, such as alcohol or fast food. 
The Best Natural Remedies for Liver Detoxification

Poor liver function will slow down the metabolism of fats. As a result, weight loss will also be slower. That’s why it’s really important to watch your liver and identify potential problems. If you detect problems, detoxification of the liver is necessary.

If you feel tired, irritable, or uncomfortable for one or two days, then there may be nothing to worry about. But if this happens regularly, then it’s time to consider changing your habits. You need to get started detoxing your body.

A detox is the only way to end the toxins and remove them from your body.

In addition, many people complain that they feel tired all the time. You may also be chronically fatigued.  This could be a sign that something is wrong with your liver.

Some other signs that the balance in your liver is disturbed:

  • The skin takes on a sickly yellow tint. Obviously this is not the natural color of the skin.
  • Your urine has become very dark. In fact, it’s much darker than you’d normally expect if you haven’t had enough water to drink.
  • The stool may also appear very dark with a tar-like composition. It may also have a very pale appearance or contain blood.

The properties of parsley for purifying the liver

Parsley is an herb with medicinal uses. It is most commonly used to treat conditions caused by a malfunctioning liver. This can be a result of excessive alcohol consumption or of very fatty foods that can irritate the liver.

Parsley is often recommended because it has diuretic properties. It cleanses the liver and supports its natural recovery process.

As a result, parsley removes toxins. In addition, it supports the purification process that removes the excess water in the body through the urine.


  • 1 teaspoon parsley (5 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Heat the water and add the parsley.
  • Then let it cook for fifteen minutes. Then remove it from the fire.
  • Then let it steep for twenty minutes. Then you can drink it.
  • To make it work as effectively as possible, drink a glass every day for a week.

A medicinal juice with parsley and celery to improve your liver function

A medicinal juice with parsley and celery to improve your liver function

It is very important that you regularly perform a liver detox to keep this organ working properly. With the detoxification of the liver you also stimulate the breakdown of the fats in your body. In addition, it will improve the functioning of all the organs and systems of your body.

With the following recipe you can restore the natural functions of the liver in just five days.


  • 2 cups of water
  • the juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 bunch fresh parsley
  • 3 celery sticks


  • First wash all ingredients thoroughly.
  • Then put all ingredients in the blender.
  • Process for three minutes and then serve.
  • Drink this juice twice a day. Do it in the morning on an empty stomach and then again later before going to sleep.

Green apple and celery smoothie for liver detoxification

Detoxification of the liver with green apple

Green smoothies are healthy drinks that have become famous for their detoxifying properties.

They help cleanse and detoxify the body. In this way you prevent diseases and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). You also keep blood sugar levels in check. In addition, they make you feel full and provide the body with important vitamins and minerals.

The green vegetables with which we make green smoothies are also the best choice for the detoxification of the liver.

Many smoothies are a combination of the perfect properties to relieve a wide range of diseases, including liver problems. They make your body much healthier.

How many apples do you eat per day?

We recommend eating a green apple every day before breakfast.

They are the best choice for controlling blood sugar levels and have several other positive effects. Thus, they are often recommended to purify the liver. That’s because they possess an amazing amount of antioxidants.

Apples also contain malic acid. This ingredient helps to prevent liver and kidney stones.


  • 1 apple cut in quarters
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml)


  • Place all ingredients in a blender. Then process everything for three minutes.
  • Drink a glass of this delicious smoothie after every meal.

We give you one more special advice. During this liver detox, you should avoid junk food. You should also avoid eating very fatty foods and alcoholic drinks for one week.

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