The Best Exercises For Sciatica You Can Do At Home

The sciatic nerve (also called sciatic nerve) is a long nerve that runs from the lower back through the legs. Sciatica is a condition in which the sciatic nerve is affected and this causes severe pain in the lower back and hind legs. This problem is caused by the nerve root being inflamed or irritated where it emerges from the spinal cord. Sciatica is not considered a disease in itself, but it is a clear symptom of problems such as a hernia or stenosis.
The best exercises for sciatica you can do at home

Pain in the sciatic nerve can be very unpleasant. After all, it can prevent a person from doing their daily tasks for up to eight weeks. However, by taking certain precautions and performing exercises for sciatica, you can relieve the pain more quickly. This will also make the pain disappear faster.

When are exercises for sciatica a good idea?

People who suffer from sciatica can of course just take it easy for one or two days. However, the best way to combat this pain on a daily basis is to stick to a good training schedule. Perform exercises that are good for the painful area.

While rest can relieve pain for a short time, an inactive lifestyle can actually make the condition worse. That is why it is important to do exercises for sciatica that can strengthen the back and intervertebral discs.


Depending on the severity of the situation, the doctor will likely refer you to a physical therapist. However, you can also do a few exercises at home that can alleviate and correct this problem. Try to stick to this training schedule.

Muscle strength exercises

Exercises that strengthen the back and abdominal muscles provide the back with more support. They can thus improve the problem with the sciatic nerve. It is best for the patient to do a light routine to strengthen the muscles. Also try some stretching exercises.

Exercises based on the diagnosis

The physiotherapist will draw up a personal training schedule. That has been modified to address the root causes of the problem. Think of a lumbar disc herniation or spinal stenosis. If this is the case, then it is important to rely on the diagnosis made. Incorrect exercises for sciatica can make the pain worse. So you will only make the problem worse.

stretching exercises

stretching exercises

A good training schedule for sciatica includes the following stretching exercises:

  • Exercises for the glutes
  • Stretching exercises for the lower back
  • Stretching exercises for the hamstrings

Try these exercises for sciatica

As we mentioned above, with sciatica it is best to do exercises that are based on the underlying cause of the pain. So add the following exercises for each cause:


  • Stretching Exercises
  • Exercises that tighten the back muscles.
  • Exercises that tighten the upper back muscles.
  • Sit-ups or other exercises that tighten the abs and strengthen the abs.

A narrowed spine

  • Exercises for the dorsal muscle group.
  • Walk upwards.
  • Sit-ups or other exercises that engage the abdominal muscles.

Disorders of the intervertebral discs:

  • Walk upwards.
  • Bridge exercises (exercises for the glutes).

Light aerobics

To walk

In addition, try to include some aerobic exercises in your training schedule. These exercises will be very helpful and contribute to your general physical health. One of the best exercises for the lower back is walking.

Walking for thirty minutes every day provides the same benefits as a session of aerobics. Maybe try increasing the pace by cycling, jogging, or just walking a little faster every now and then.

Some notes

  • It is very important to perform exercises for sciatica properly. In general, we therefore recommend that you perform the exercises under the supervision of an expert.
  • Also try to sit and walk in the correct position.
  • Try not to eat too many calories. Being overweight can exacerbate this problem.

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