Tackle Gum Disease With These Natural Remedies

To keep your gums in good condition, it is important that you take care of your oral hygiene. Consult the dentist at least once a year. He can perform an expert cleaning and thus prevent problems.
Tackle Gingivitis With These Natural Remedies

Gingivitis is one of the most common dental conditions that the dentist sees. This condition is also known as gingivitis It is usually due to a lack of good oral hygiene.

The bacteria and microbes that normally live in your mouth will multiply if you don’t pay enough attention to the health of your mouth.

The overpopulation of bacteria causes the inflammation. It will destroy the tissues that support your teeth. If not treated in time, it can cause the gums to separate from your teeth. The name for this condition is periodontitis.

Gingivitis causes tenderness and pain in the affected area. This is where the gums turn red. In addition, in most cases it will bleed a little.

But you can ensure good oral health and especially healthy gums if you follow the following advice.

Remedies to Cure a Gingivitis

There are many means to combat this condition. In this article, we will discuss those remedies that we consider to be the fastest and most effective.

aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant that has been around for centuries. It has become widely known for its ability to heal an infinite number of problems.

This plant possesses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing properties. As a result, aloe vera is a perfect remedy to combat the effects of gingivitis.

How do we use this medicine?

  • Spread a small amount of aloe vera gel on your inflamed gums. Do this three to four times a day.
  • After a week you will notice a positive change thanks to this treatment.


This is a well-known herb that is used to flavor food. But it also has analgesic and antibacterial properties. And that’s not all. It also contains flavonoids. These are properties that are used as an antibiotic.


  • 5 cloves
  • 1 cup of water

How do you use this remedy?

  • Make a mouthwash by placing  the five cloves in hot water. Then let it cool. Then you can use it.

Salt water

Salt water

This is a remedy that grannies like to use to deal with inflamed gums. Because salt water helps to reduce inflammation in the entire mouth.

How do you use it?

  • Make a mixture of salt and water.
  • Then use it as a mouthwash.
  • After use, brush your teeth.
  • This remedy works better if you use sea salt.

baking soda

Baking soda is a gift from nature. Usually it has a special place in our house. Because it is very important as a tool to care for a wide variety of health problems.

Baking soda is alkaline. That’s why it prevents bacteria from multiplying in your mouth. In addition, it neutralizes the acids that come from the food you eat.

How do you use it?

  • Do you want to use baking soda to cure gingivitis? Then make a paste with this remedy and a few drops of water.
  • Apply this treatment to the inflamed gums once a day.

Salt and ginger

This is another remedy that you can use to treat inflammation of the gums. Ginger is a spicy root that possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


  • 1 small piece of ginger
  • a pinch of salt

How do you use it?

  • Take a piece of ginger and crush it until you have a smooth paste.
  • Then take as much salt as you need and add a few drops of water to get a smooth consistency. Use this remedy and massage the inflamed area.
  • Do this for a minute. Repeat the treatment three times a day.

Some other considerations

Gingivitis damages the tissues around your teeth. They cause bad breath and in many cases also loss of teeth.

This condition may also be accompanied by bleeding. These then become a breeding ground for opportunistic microbes and bacteria. They can cause serious infections and spread to other teeth.

A number of medical problems can cause you to develop gum disease. Some conditions linked to malnutrition can even attack your immune system. This can increase the risk of this condition.

For that reason, it is very important that you add fiber to your daily diet. So eat grains and seeds.

  • Also add green vegetables like broccoli and asparagus. Because they are a great source of folic acid and vitamin C.
  • You can also reduce your intake of refined sugar and white flour. Because these are foods that promote the growth of bacteria. In addition, they damage the health of your mouth.
  • If you have braces, a prosthesis or dentures, this can hinder good oral hygiene. Then it is important that you take drastic measures and clean your mouth well.

Consult your dentist regularly so that you have an expert teeth cleaning twice a year. This also helps to avoid potential problems.

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