Stop Eating Meat Without Missing Out On Nutrients

If you would like to stop eating meat, but continue to eat dairy, eggs or fish, you will not miss out on vitamin B12. But if you completely stop eating animal products, you need to take a supplement.

People who decide to stop eating meat, for whatever reason, often suffer from deficiencies when they change their diet.

If not done properly, it can have  serious consequences for your health.  You can get deficiencies of certain nutrients or even quickly gain weight.

So here we want to give you  some tips to stop eating meat in a smart way.  So you can maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Stop eating meat without risking your health

sliced ​​quiche

Vegetarian food will not directly affect your health. This decision, which you may be making for moral or health reasons, can make  you more aware of the foods you eat and which nutrients you need.

Not eating meat is not the same as eating 100% vegan.

  • If you give up  meat, but still eat eggs, fish and dairy, you  can make the change without risk.
  • However, it is always wise to follow  the advice of a nutritionist.

1. The amazing possibilities with eggs

Eggs are a complete superfood that  can complement animal proteins well. 

Years ago we were told not to eat too many eggs. However, you can  eat them daily if you don’t have cholesterol problems.  They are especially good for those who don’t eat meat and are a  great source of protein and healthy fats. 

We recommend eating organic eggs. Then all you have to do is open a biological and a normal egg and compare them. You will see the difference.

2. Be careful with dairy

Many people who stop eating meat go on to consume a lot of dairy products, such as milk and cheese. However, these foods are more harmful than you might think. They raise your cholesterol levels and can cause digestive problems.

You can take advantage of plant-based milk in stores and combine it with easily digestible dairy products such as yogurt or ghee.

3. Dangerous Flower


Another mistake many people who stop eating meat make is  overusing flour,  such as in pizza, pasta or sandwiches. These are quick and easy dishes to make. However, this is not a good choice, as they  cause weight gain and provide few nutrients.

What you should eat instead is  more vegetables, salads and vegetable juices  to get enough vitamins, minerals and fiber. These will then make you feel satisfied.

4. Choose the right fish

If you do not eat meat, but do eat fish, we recommend that you limit  the consumption of large, fatty fish (salmon, tuna, swordfish), as they can contain large  amounts of heavy metals. These types of fish can potentially be harmful to your health, especially for children and pregnant women.

You can  eat small, fatty fish (sardines and mackerel), as well as white fish.

5. Other Sources of Calcium

Milk is not the only source of calcium; there are many more. In addition, many nutritionists are not sure that milk is so healthy. You can find  good amounts of calcium  in the following foods:

  • Sezamżaden
  • Seaweed
  • Broccoli
  • Almonds

6 Vitamin B12

A deficiency of vitamin B12 is  only a problem if you do not eat animal products.  In this case, you should therefore take  supplements.

This vitamin is found in, among others:

  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Fish
  • Shellfish and crustaceans

7. Iron

Iron supplements should only be taken under medical supervision. 

If you don’t have an iron deficiency. can you get enough of this mineral from these foods:

  • Spinach
  • Nuts, such as pistachios
  • Parsley
  • Beetroot
  • lentils
  • Whole grains, such as oatmeal
  • Broccoli

8. Excellent Plant Protein

vegetable burger

There are many  plant foods that are high in protein such as:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • legumes
  • Whole grains, such as oatmeal and quinoa
  • Hemp
  • brewer’s yeast
  • Spirulina
  • Peas

9. Whole Grains, Nuts and Seeds

You cannot do without whole grains in your balanced, meat-free diet  . They are full of nutrients and fiber. 

You should also not forget nuts (raw or roasted) and seeds.

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