Sometimes All You Need Is A Hug

Hugs and positive touches provide a pleasant and relaxed feeling. It is very important for people to receive and give them.
Sometimes a hug is all you need

We all need a hug sometimes. Hugs make us feel better. They lighten the burden we carry and also make us feel loved. It is important not only to get hugs, but to give them as well.

Hugs are a way of expressing affection, understanding, love and approval. It’s a gesture that shows that ‘everything is fine’ and that ‘someone is with you’ and we all need this knowledge from time to time.

An expression of love and affection

In multiple articles, we’ve talked about the importance of developing self-love, self-confidence, and the ability to fight for your dreams and avoid negative relationships.

In this article, we’ll look at the value of expressing your love in this way on a regular basis, a way that involves more than simply bringing two bodies into contact and holding one heart next to the other.

So admit it… do you hug your loved ones every day?

Give hugs to heal and calm fears

Let’s start by talking about the kind of hugs that are able to solve problems without needing words. I bet you have experienced this yourself, for example after you had a fight with your children or partner and you just didn’t know what else to do.

In many relationships, there are multiple moments of dissatisfaction throughout the day. Then words are spoken that are loaded with tensions.

Unintended consequences of words

At some point you can’t even think normally anymore. Yet you still feel feelings and emotions that tell you that you love this person. And finally, it hurts that you can’t find a solution.


Something as simple as a hug can instantly relieve tension, as well as feelings of stress and despair. Suddenly everything falls together: our bodies, our emotions and our worries.

Doubts, fears and worries are very common

Another important thing to remember is that in romantic relationships it is very common to experience moments of doubt, fear or worry.

  • Sometimes relationships get into a rut where every day is the same as the day before and somehow the magic gets lost. This is when you start to doubt.
  • You start to get scared and wonder if your partner still loves you. Whether he/she will continue to long for you and whether the relationship will remain strong forever.
  • This is also the moment when the need to show authenticity arises. Some days it simply isn’t enough to just say ‘everything is fine’, ‘of course I still love you, what a crazy thought’. You don’t need words, but actions. And in this case, there’s nothing better than a long, silent hug.

Remember that there are many ways to hug and when you receive a hug it is important that you feel that it is genuine, felt and authentic. Only then will your fears disappear, when the whole universe becomes one and transcendence takes place.

Hugs that unite you with the world and the people you love most

Loved ones

The best hugs are the ones you get when you need them the most. When you can really discover what gives meaning to your life and your own heart.

  • Many street experiments have been conducted where anonymous people handed out free hugs. This is a positive encounter that provides closeness. However, authentic hugs – the hugs that are most therapeutic – come from the people we love.
  • If a hug makes you feel connected to the world, it’s because you’re being hugged by someone important to you. For example, think about what children would be like if they weren’t given constant physical contact, such as caresses and a hug to start the day and a hug at bedtime.
  • Hugging is a way of acknowledging and confirming someone, a child or an older person. It tells them that they are a part of you and that you see them, love them and hold them in your arms because they are a part of your soul.
  • There is nothing on Earth that provides relief in the same way as a hug, when given at the right time and with sincerity. The heart revives, self-confidence increases and because endorphins are released during cuddling, you also get a pleasant feeling.

If someone doesn’t come up to you to give you a hug… then you give them a hug!

Mother and child

Some people complain that their children or their partner seem cool and distant. Then it seems like they don’t need or even reject these kinds of displays of affection.

This is just part of their personality. While they may never hug anyone themselves, it doesn’t mean they wouldn’t appreciate it or want someone else to hug them. Some people simply find it difficult to express this emotional need; they don’t dare, making it seem like they don’t want to.

  • Once children reach a certain age, they begin to associate hugs with certain expressions of affection. With that, these hugs take them back to when they were small children. This is during the period when they are fighting for their independence.
  • Don’t worry when this happens, don’t get mad or think they don’t love you. Believe it or not, a sudden, furtive and intense hug will always bring a smile to their faces and a blush to their cheeks.

Hugs, we can’t live without!

We all need daily or random hugs to make bonds stronger. It reminds us that someone is there for us and will love us forever. That we are the best part of his life.

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