Remove Uric Acid Crystals Naturally

Uric acid crystals form due to an excess of purines. It is essential that you increase your intake of water and foods that contain a high water content to eliminate them.
Remove uric acid crystals naturally

To prevent and treat gout, you should read the following article, which will teach you how  to naturally remove uric acid crystals that collect in the joints.

Gout is a condition that affects many people today, especially older adults. It is caused by an increased production of uric acid in the blood. When this happens, the symptoms are usually very painful.

The overproduction of uric acid in the blood is often stored in the joints, but it can also be a sign of kidney problems or the consumption of foods rich in purine.

Remove uric acid crystals naturally

It is important that you eat healthily, with many foods that contain a lot of water and little purine, for example, such as cucumber. This vegetable contains only 7.3 milligrams of purine per 100 grams, making it ideal for clearing uric acid crystals and preventing gout.

Water also helps clear the painful uric acid crystals that build up in joints. Drink plenty of water a day (more than two liters in fact) and increase your intake of water-rich foods. In addition to cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, and fruits are excellent choices.

uric acid crystals

The most common causes of gout, or accumulated uric acid crystals, are:

  • high bloodpressure
  • overweight
  • chronic kidney problems
  • leukemia
  • psoriasis
  • anemia
  • family history
  • alcohol consumption

Gout occurs when the body has to process too much protein from certain foods, such as red meat. Some of these proteins are excreted in the urine and sweat, but also remain in the body.

When this exceeds normal levels, it is stored in various locations, such as in the circulatory system and the joints. That’s why uric acid crystals are so painful and cause swelling, redness, and a feeling of tightness or pressure in certain areas.

To a greater or lesser extent, it can manifest itself in the following areas:

  • big toe
  • hands
  • knees
  • feet
  • ankles
  • shoulders
  • elbows

Recipe to remove uric acid crystals naturally

For this recipe for a juice that can naturally reduce uric acid crystals stored in the joints, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a medium cucumber
  • two celery sticks
  • a slice of lemon
  • a teaspoon of grated ginger root

You make it like this:

  • Wash all ingredients.
  • Cut the cucumber and celery into pieces.
  • Then put them in a food processor or blender.
  • Then add the lemon slice and grated ginger until it forms a smooth liquid.

Drink this mixture every day, best on an empty stomach, and have it again during the day if you like, perhaps in the evening after work.


In addition to drinking this juice, it is a good idea to reduce the intake of foods rich in purine. You also need to make sure you get enough exercise. At the very least, start with regular walking.

Recipes and home remedies for reducing uric acid

If you have problems with the levels of uric acid in your blood or joints, you can take advantage of these homemade recipes:

Mango and carrot juice

  • Take juice of four carrots, one mango, a slice of pineapple, 30 grams of strawberries and lemon.
  • Drink this first thing in the morning.
  • If the symptoms return, drink another glass of this juice in the evenings.

cranberry juice

  • Boil 30 grams of cranberries in a liter of water for three minutes.
  • Cover and let it sit for ten minutes before straining the liquid.
  • Drink up to three cups of these a day.

Rosemary and soy

  • Mix three tablespoons of rosemary oil with three tablespoons of soybean oil.
  • Massage the area where the gout is causing pain.

Tomato juice

  • Squeeze the  juice from a tomato. Make sure to use only ripe tomatoes.
  • Drink it three times a day.
  • You can also start adding more raw tomatoes to your meals.

baking soda

  • Make a paste using baking soda and a little water.
  • Apply it to the affected area to reduce inflammation and pain.


  • Crush two cloves of garlic and mix with it a tablespoon of wheat bran and apple cider vinegar.
  • Make a paste and apply it on the affected area.


  • Place  two large cabbage leaves in the blender.
  • Apply the paste in circular motions to the area where the pain is.
  • Do this two to three times a day.


  • Boil half an onion in a liter of water for three minutes.
  • Let stand for five minutes before straining the liquid.
  • Drink a cup of this mixture three times a day.
  • If the taste is too strong, add a little honey.


  • Boil a corn leaf in half a liter of water for ten minutes.
  • Remove it from the heat, drain the liquid and drink up to three cups a day.

parsley tea

  • Boil half a liter of water and add three sprigs of parsley, 50 grams of cabbage and half an onion.
  • Let it boil for fifteen minutes before removing it from the heat, straining the liquid and letting it cool.
  • Before drinking it, add the juice of one lemon. It is best to drink this before lunch.

Elderflower tea

  • Boil half a liter of water and add two tablespoons of dried elderflowers.
  • Cover it, strain the liquid and let it cool.
  • Drink this throughout the day and sweeten it with a little honey if desired.

aloe vera gel

  • Cut a stem of aloe vera and extract the gel.
  • Apply this gel on the areas affected by gout.
  • You can also just apply the stem directly to the skin. 

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