Reducing Constipation If You Are Already On A Healthy Diet

Constipation usually occurs when a person eats an unbalanced diet. However, there are other lesser-known potential causes for this gut problem. Read on to discover them.
Reducing Constipation If You Already Follow a Healthy Diet

Do you suffer from constipation? Then your life will be strongly influenced by it. Both physically and mentally. We must therefore look for natural remedies that reduce constipation.

It is true that an unbalanced diet is one of the main causes of constipation. However, there are also other, less well-known, causes of constipation.

In this article you will discover remedies that reduce constipation. They are intended for people who are already on a healthy diet, but still suffer from this terrible and inconvenient problem.

Reducing Constipation With Diet

Fruit helps prevent constipation

To treat constipation naturally, the first thing you can try is to change your diet. This way you can avoid using laxatives, which can irritate your gut and be harmful in the long run.

For the proper functioning of your intestines, it is important to consume enough food with dietary fiber every day, such as:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Fruit
  • legumes
  • Mushrooms and seaweed

These foods, in moderate amounts, should be part of your daily diet. Keep in mind that too much of these products can have negative effects. You can cook them but also eat them raw, or use them in juices or shakes.

Are you drinking enough water?

Do you eat a lot of the products described above? And what about products with, for example, bran? Then you can suffer from constipation due to lack of moisture.

It is important to drink enough water so that your body can properly digest the incoming fiber. We therefore recommend drinking at least one and a half liters of water per day.

To make water extra effective against constipation, it is good  to drink it separately, without food, on an empty stomach. You can spread your daily water intake in the following way:

  • 2 to 3 glasses of water before you eat anything
  • 3 glasses during the morning
  • 2 glasses in the afternoon

Stress, the enemy of your health

Stress has a major effect on your health

Stress is one of the biggest challenges this century. It’s an overwhelming sensation that’s hard to get rid of. It can lead to changes in our nervous system and cause emotions such as:

  • frustration
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • etcetera

Work is a major cause of stress, although it can also be hereditary or arise from situations beyond our control. Stress starts on a psychological level, but can affect us on an emotional level as well.

It starts with small aches, for example in the form of constipation. In the long run, it can lead to bigger health problems. Do you suffer from congestion since you have been exposed to a lot of stress? Then try to reduce that stress naturally:

  • Participate in sports and outdoor activities.
  • Follow relaxing therapies, such as yoga or tai chi.
  • Get a massage.

Always consider changing something in your life so that you will be less stressed.

Emotional matters

Other psychological factors that affect your gut are emotional issues that affect us negatively:

  • life changes
  • a separation
  • the death of someone you love
  • and so forth

In these cases, we may not live with stress, but rather feel sad, tormented, or angry.

Try the following two natural ways to get over these emotional issues:

  • Homeopathy. A homeopath is someone who analyzes our specific case and thus finds out the right treatment. It has no drawbacks. Only people who are lactose intolerant sometimes have to look for an alternative.
  • Bach flowers. These blossoms soothe our emotional pain without making us addicted or changing our personality. Some species that may help are spring water, apple, vine and holly. A flower therapist can help you find the flowers you may need.

Thyroid problems

Thyroid problems can also cause constipation

Do you have a thyroid that works too fast or too slow? That can also lead to constipation. In this case it is important that you consult a doctor. In this way, a diagnosis can be made quickly and the right treatment can be initiated.

The following natural foods may also be helpful:

  • kuzu root
  • agar
  • chia seeds
  • flax seed

Are you going to use these substances and thus reduce your constipation?

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