Raw Foods Are Sometimes Healthier

Some foods are much more nutritious when eaten raw because they lose nutrients such as minerals and vitamins during cooking.
Raw foods are sometimes healthier

Did you know that raw foods are sometimes healthier?

Over the centuries we have developed different ways of cooking and all kinds of preparation methods. This has ensured that we can enjoy a wide variety of food. That food contained many nutrients that our body needs.

Baking, steaming and grilling are some healthy methods that allow us to maximize the nutrients of certain foods.

Those foods need to be cooked to release healthy compounds, but some foods are actually much more nutritious when eaten in their whole, natural, and raw state.

Cooking can improve the taste of some edibles, but certain foods have been proven to provide more vitamins and minerals when eaten raw.

That’s because the heat and the things we add to the food during cooking break down some important nutrients. As a result, they lose the properties that are useful for health.

In this article, we’ve listed eight foods that are more beneficial if you eat them uncooked.

Find out here which raw foods are concerned!

8 foods to eat raw

1. Beets

beet juice

Beets are known as a vegetable with one of the highest amounts of natural sugars and important nutrients.

They have a high quality:

  • Vitamins (A, B and C)
  • Minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron)
  • Fiber

In addition, eating beets regularly will support the immune system, blood circulation and other important parts of your physical and mental health.

Why do we recommend not to cook beets? This process will reduce the folic acid content by 25%. Folic acid is the component the brain needs.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli contains more vitamin C, calcium, potassium and other nutrients than almost any other vegetable. It is a great product for your body.

In addition, it contains significant amounts of sulforaphane. This ingredient slows down the risk of developing cancer. It also prevents cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases.

A study on this has been published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry . According to this research, you will absorb this compound and other vitamins and minerals more easily if you eat beets raw.

3. Onions

Onions contain an active ingredient called allicin. When absorbed by the body, this element prevents cancer, helps with anxiety and improves your cardiovascular health.

When we cook onions, the content of this phytonutrient decreases. It also becomes more difficult to absorb.

The ideal way is to add onions to salads and juices. That way you take advantage of everything they have to offer, because you eat them raw.

4. Red peppers

This vegetable contains up to three times the daily recommended amount of vitamin C. It is also a great source of vitamin B6, vitamin E and magnesium.

Just cook them briefly. That gives you the opportunity to retain their sweetness and the many nutrients. If you cook them at a high temperature, the result is that they lose both the vitamin C and the other nutrients.

5. Nuts

Nuts belong to the high calorie group of foods. Yet they are also an important source of healthy fats, protein and antioxidants.

These nutrients lower bad cholesterol and help with circulatory problems and other disorders of the cardiovascular system.

It is best to eat them raw. That way they provide you with more vitamins and minerals. In addition, they do not contain genetically engineered oils.

Here are some tasty choices:

  • Almonds
  • Cashew nuts
  • hazelnuts
  • walnuts

6. Berries

Dried berries with the breakfast cereal. A mixture of dried berries with nuts and other dried fruits. Those are some recent trends in the food industry, especially for breakfast and snacks.

Unfortunately, dried berries do not have the same nutritional value as raw. In addition, sometimes their sugar and calorie content increases. Due to the processing process, this content can even increase up to three times.

The fruits are completely dried out in this process. As a result, they lose the water-soluble vitamins and minerals. They do have them if you eat them raw.

7. Coconut

This flavorful fruit is much more nutritious when eaten raw. Not if it’s added to bars, candies, or cakes.

Coconut is famous for its oil and healthy water. It contains essential medium-chain fatty acids. Those fats boost heart and brain health.

By processing coconut, the fruit loses a large amount of its nutrients. This makes it less beneficial for the body.

8. Garlic

Garlic can be found in all kinds of meals. It contains a lot of allicin and antioxidants. It is a great remedy for your body.

A study shows that eating raw garlic reduces the risk of lung cancer. But when cooking, up to 90% of vitamins and minerals are destroyed.

Do you usually cook these foods? Now you know how good these foods are for your body when you eat them raw. Try out new recipes that ensure that you can enjoy their nutrients one hundred percent.

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