Raise Healthy Children: Don’t Take Your Frustrations Out On Them

Before you turn your frustrations on your children, remember that they are not responsible for your problems. Try not to cause them unnecessary suffering and focus on raising healthy children by protecting their happiness and self-esteem.
Raise healthy children: don't take your frustrations out on them

No one is responsible for anything that happens to you, especially your children. So don’t take your frustrations out on them.

Your children do not deserve to be the subject of your stress, anxiety, nervousness or negative experiences you have in everyday life.

It’s easy to yell at them, get angry, or even punish them for no apparent reason, but you may not realize that they can’t help it that things are going wrong in your life, or how frustrated you are because of something that plays between you and your partner, for example.

Directing the risks of your frustrations on those who don’t deserve it

Woman screaming through all the frustrations

Sometimes taking your frustrations out on your kids can be a way to release pent-up emotions and unspoken words.

Maybe it’s because you want to look big for your boss or because of fear of losing your job. Maybe it’s because you’ve accepted certain things from your partner that you actually don’t like.

All of this can make you explode with anger directed at those least deserving. In fact, you pick someone who can’t defend themselves and who you have control over.

If they do go against you, then you are using the authority you have over your children when you don’t really realize that you are losing control of the situation.

You don’t always have to bottle up your negative emotions. However, they must be aimed at the right person. Try to find the right words, respectfully, and stay focused on the specific content. However, don’t bottle up frustrations that you know will eventually come out.

Viewed in the same light, don’t continue to accept or shut up about what your partner is doing. Maybe you do that because you hope he/she will change his/her behavior. But if you don’t say anything, how will he/she ever know? It’s not a guessing game…

Children bear the consequences of your frustrations

Anger taken out on a child

Taking out fear, anger and frustration can have a big impact on innocent children who are just beginning to play the game of life. The less you are able to solve your problems, the more you focus the negative things on them. They will not understand why the smallest mistake turned into a big drama.

If this situation continues for a long time because you are unable to stop and recognize that your behavior is not solving the real cause of the problem, your children will develop low self-esteem. Good self-esteem is essential, but if you see everything in your life as sad, that’s all you’ll see in them.

Before you know it, you’ll only be giving negative feedback, making them think everything they’re doing is wrong. And the things they do well? You forgot them.

Although they are young now, they can develop serious problems when they grow up. Not only that they have low self-esteem, but also that they are unable to follow their dreams. They will also suffer in their personal relationships.

Others are not responsible for raising healthy children

boxing gloves

You may think the fault lies with the boss not treating you the way you deserve. Or with your partner who doesn’t empathize enough with you. However, it is time to look at all this from a different point of view.

The fault is not with others, but with yourself. You are the one who reacts to things that happen to you in the most inappropriate way possible. 

By not speaking out, keeping quiet, and assuming that others will change their behavior, you are allowing everything to continue the same way.

Leave your fears and insecurities behind and be free to speak out. Start making decisions and stop doing things differently than you actually want to. When you’re at peace with yourself, you don’t need anyone to act as your daily punching bag to take out your frustrations.

Your children are not responsible for the actions of others. You have to let go of your fears, expectations and frustrations before they can reach them.

Focus on the now and take action when needed. Don’t hold back your frustrations and anger. Let it go and you will feel free. 

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