Protect Your Heart With These 7 Foods

Did you know that extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest fats to take care of your heart? That’s because it helps control cholesterol. In addition, it prevents the premature aging of the arteries.
Protect your heart with these 7 foods

It is important that you learn healthy daily eating habits. It is also wise to exercise regularly. So protect your heart with physical exertion and healthy foods.

The food industry has conquered the market. You can now choose from an extensive variety of products that are fast and tasty. But today we know that this type of food has negative effects on your heart health.

Healthy foods contain nutrients that are essential to promote the functioning of the heart muscle.

Eating too many processed or fatty foods too often and too often raises your cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, you run a higher risk of potentially dangerous conditions.

That is why it is important that you eat healthy and nutritious products. Also, be sure to keep your calorie intake under control.

Certain foods also provide other heart-protecting benefits. So it’s a good idea to add these to your diet.

In this article, we introduce you to the seven best foods to protect your heart.

Protect your heart with h

Oats have been called the “queen of grains”. It is one of the healthiest and most complete foods to put on your diet list.

  • Oats contain fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. These two important nutrients help maintain cholesterol levels. That way they prevent the arteries from hardening.
  • Oats also contain significant amounts of potassium, magnesium and calcium. These are important minerals for maintaining blood pressure.

Protect your heart with r

Excessive use of alcohol can cause irreversible damage to the body. But a small amount of red wine is very beneficial for heart health.

  • Red wine contains large amounts of resveratrol. This is an antioxidant ingredient. It reduces the level of bad cholesterol (LDL). At the same time, it will also increase the good cholesterol (HDL).
  • Red wine also contains catechins. Together with the other elements, they protect the wall of the arteries from oxidation. They also reduce the risk of developing arteriosclerosis and the occurrence of heart attacks.

Protect your heart with z

Protect your heart with black beans

Black beans are on the list of “superfoods”, products that protect the heart and make it healthier.

That’s because they contain vitamin B complex and soluble fiber. These two nutrients help to lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).

In addition, black beans contain small doses of omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. They help to control high blood pressure and poor circulation.

Protect your heart with o

Pressed olive oil has not undergone a refining process. This type of oil is one of the healthiest fats and protects the heart from serious diseases.

The monosaturated fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil slow the excess build-up of fat in the arteries. They also prevent blood pressure problems.

Use olive oil regularly in your diet. It will keep cholesterol in check. In addition, it improves the flexibility of the arteries so that premature aging is slowed down.

Protect your heart with c

Chia seeds are very popular as a weight loss supplement. But it’s good to know that they are also an excellent tool to support heart health.

They may be small but contain large amounts of omega 3 fatty acids and essential amino acids. Which help to control cholesterol and triglycerides.

These nutrients also help to balance the inflammatory processes in the body. They reduce the risk of stroke, arteriosclerosis and other chronic heart conditions.

Protect your heart with v

Add cranberries, also known as cranberries, to your daily diet. Because they are very healthy for your heart.

These berries contain beta-carotene and lutein. These are two antioxidant compounds that protect the heart and blood vessels against the negative effect of free radicals.

The flavonoids and natural fiber in this fruit will also control the fats that get trapped in the arteries. As a result, they prevent the arteries from clogging or hardening.

On the other hand, they have an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect. They cleanse the blood and prevent circulatory problems from developing.

Oranges are known to be a good source of vitamin C. They are an antioxidant fruit that helps keep the heart in excellent health.

These fruits are also very high in carotenoids and flavonoids. These compounds reduce the damage that results from oxidative stress.

Because these fruits contain vitamins and minerals, they keep the heart rhythm in balance. But that’s not all. They also reduce the risk of inflammation.

Drink freshly squeezed orange juice. It lowers high blood pressure and will also reduce related circulatory problems.

We give you good advice. Include these foods in your diet. Eat them regularly and benefit from their fantastic positive effects! 

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