Loving People Who Don’t Love Themselves

The problem with people who don’t love themselves is that they don’t feel they are worthy of the affection of others. Their fear of being abandoned actually increases the likelihood of this happening.
Loving people who don't love themselves

Falling in love with people who don’t love themselves can be very difficult.

The main reason for this is that when you love someone, you always want to remind them of how wonderful they are. For people who don’t love themselves, it’s hard to take these kinds of compliments.

People who don’t love themselves often reject compliments. However, they don’t realize how painful that can be for others.

That is why we are all looking for a partner who knows how to value himself.

But this is not the only reason why it is difficult to love people who do not love themselves. Here are a few other reasons:

Communication is difficult

Communication can turn into a tough job when you’re in a relationship with someone who doesn’t know how to love themselves. These people tend to misinterpret things and always assume the worst.

This kind of situation can be very frustrating for many people. Usually people who don’t love themselves project their own problems onto their partners.  For example, let’s say you finish a sentence from your partner. That happens all the time, of course, but they will take this as condescending or lying.

It’s hard to care about someone if they don’t love themselves

Loving people who don't love themselves is hard

It can be frustrating to love someone who doesn’t love themselves or even takes good care of themselves. It causes spontaneous comments like “You look nice today” to degenerate into an argument. That’s because they have low self-esteem.

It’s common for them to criticize you for every little thing you try to tell them. The reason for that is their insecurity.

As you can imagine, it is exhausting to spend your time and energy trying to please your loved one without ever succeeding. After all, they are unlikely to believe you or take your word for it. No matter how hard you try.

People who don’t love themselves often become too dependent

It’s very common for your partner to rely on you to encourage them. That you try to cheer him/her up when he/she is sad or feels negative. That’s probably what you would expect from him/her too.

It is no longer healthy for your partner to depend on you to make him/her happy. Extreme dependence can turn into suffocating the other person.

These partners will probably start to believe that you will leave them. After a while you start to think that maybe that’s not such a bad idea and that they are left without their only source of happiness.

People who don’t love themselves tend to reject help

When you love someone, you want to help them feel good. But you have to remember that he/she rejects himself/herself. That he did / she already he / she met you and ensures that he / she can not help another and willing to accept.

This makes things very complicated. Even if you hold out hope that he/she will one day accept your help, the truth is that this will probably never happen.

Try to remember that you can’t change people. You are incapable of changing the essence of a human being. You cannot change them to what you want them to be.

The trust between you will be destroyed

Loving people who don't love themselves will destroy the trust between you

If people don’t love themselves for who they are, they can’t understand why anyone else would love them. They usually worry all the time that their partner will realize who they really are and that they will end the relationship.

Things like this make it very difficult to build a relationship of trust with the partner.

A person who is constantly afraid or worried that you will leave often acts negatively. The irony is that this fear eventually drives you away from him/her.

Things you should know if you love someone who doesn’t love themselves

If you can be with someone who doesn’t love themselves, it means that you are a very loving, protective person.  But if you believe that a good conversation will be enough to solve everything, you will be disappointed.

If you are actually willing to help your partner stop rejecting you, there are a few things to think about. First of all, he/she must be the one who really wants to change and accept the help you offer.

You will have to pay attention to how you feel. If you’re physically or mentally exhausted from the relationship, it’s probably a relationship you need to get out of.

In that case, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I really think my partner can change?
  • Is my partner aware that I am not happy?
  • Is my partner actually interested in changing?

The answers to these questions will help you determine whether the relationship is worth pursuing or not. After all, you shouldn’t sacrifice your own happiness for someone who won’t stop feeling unhappy.

Remember that the only person responsible for your happiness is you. Just as much as your partner is responsible for his or her own happiness.

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