Learn How To Make Delicious Nut Butter

Nuts are a superfood that we should eat every day in moderation. Making butter from this is a great way to do this!
Learn how to make delicious nut butter

With a small serving of nuts, we get a lot of nutrients that we need to stay healthy and energetic throughout the day. In addition to eating nuts raw, we recommend using them to make homemade nut butters for delicious toasts, sandwiches and appetizers.

In this article you will learn everything about making nut butter yourself, but also how to get the most out of it and how to enjoy the flavors.

Which nut butter is best?

We have a wide range of nuts at our disposal. However, the most common are the following.



These are delicious nuts that are excellent for preventing cardiovascular disease, improving our mood and counteracting nervous disorders, stress and depression.

Walnuts also possess anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce joint pain.


Hazelnuts have the characteristic that they have the  ability to regulate blood sugar levels.

They are rich in folic acid and fiber, which is why they are often recommended for pregnant women and people who suffer from constipation. Hazelnuts also have a wonderful taste, which makes for a great nut butter.



Almonds prevent the development of kidney stones and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. They also lower cholesterol levels.

These nuts have a high calcium content and are therefore a good remedy for osteoporosis. They are ideal for athletes and pregnant women, as well as for breastfeeding women.

How do you make a delicious nut butter?

The oil

Nuts release their own oils when we grind them to make nut butter. However, we can add a little more oil to the mixture to make cooking easier. Then we also get a creamier recipe.

One of the better oils we can use is extra virgin coconut oil. It has a smooth, pleasant taste and offers a good amount of healthy fats.

A touch of flavor


Another way to enjoy our nut butter is by combining ingredients and adding others to discover surprising flavors.

  • Cocoa, vanilla or cinnamon always give good results that everyone is happy with.
  • Mixing (roasted) hazelnuts and cocoa, for example, reminds us of a famous chocolate spread.
  • We can also decide what to add depending on whether we prefer a sweeter or savory nut butter.

A food processor

To prepare nut butter we need a food processor capable of mixing nuts for several minutes without stopping.

We can also use other similar devices, such as a mixer, but we need to be a little more patient with them and make sure we don’t burn them out.

The basic recipe


  • 400 grams of raw nuts of your choice
  • 125 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt (about 10 g)
  • Natural flavors if desired (vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa)
  • Sweetener if desired (honey, agave syrup)

Note: Nut butter requires a significant amount of nuts to function properly.


Preparation of nut butter
  • First we need to activate the notes. In other words, to make them easier to use and more digestible, we have to soak them for a few hours before we can process them. The ideal soaking time is eight hours.
  • Optionally, we can also roast the nuts in the oven.
  • Place the drained nuts in the food processor along with the oil and salt.
  • Process the mixture for 10 minutes. Initially, the blades will grind the nuts, releasing the oil slowly.
  • Pause the food processor from time to time to avoid overloading (if we see that it is necessary). Pausing will also allow us to clean the sides of the food processor.
  • The end result is a very creamy nut butter that we can enrich in any way we want with natural flavors and sweeteners.
  • Store it in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to two weeks.


Do you want to enjoy a delicious, unique nut butter?

  • Fill a few dates or plums with the nut butter.
  • Spread it on slices of fruit, such as pineapple, banana or apple.
  • Make your sandwiches more interesting.
  • Use it to fill cookies or cupcakes.
  • Multiply the benefits of smoothies or yogurts by adding nut butter.

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