How To Treat Your Headache Without Medication

Something as simple as relaxing for a few minutes with your eyes closed, going for a walk, or showering can be enough to treat a headache without medication. Read more about it in this article!
How to treat your headache without medication

Migraines and severe headaches are very common these days. Stress, obligations, lack of sleep and muscle cramps are the most common causes of this problem. Millions of people around the world are affected by this. In this article we will tell you how to treat your headache without medication.

Home remedies for headaches

We cannot continue to take painkillers every time, even if they are readily available. Unfortunately, however, we are becoming more and more dependent on it and we need ever larger doses to feel an effect.

The good news is that there are alternative treatments that can be very helpful in treating your headaches.

1. Take a walk

How To Treat Headaches

Even if it’s not particularly appealing (after all, we prefer to sleep when we have a migraine and to rest in the dark), taking a walk in the park and breathing fresh air can help reduce symptoms.

  • This remedy is perfect when we are overcome by stress or the daily grind. Just by being in nature for a few minutes you will feel the difference.

2. Take a shower

When you get home you can take a soothing hot shower or a warm bath.

Given that headaches are the result of stress or tension, they can disappear thanks to the soothing effects of water.

You can add a few drops of essential oils (e.g. lavender or mint) to increase the beneficial effects and treat your headache.

3. Put a cold compress on your head

Treat headaches with a cold compress

If you don’t have ice, you can place a wet towel or damp cloth on your forehead until it reaches room temperature.

The refreshing effect will relax the muscles and relieve the pain. It’s even better if you can take the opportunity to lie down and close your eyes.

4. Take a nap

Do you have a lot of work and do you have a pounding headache? Take a rest, even if it’s just sitting back in your chair at your desk.

If you can, take a half-hour nap. Migraines are significantly reduced when we sleep.

Even if you don’t have the luxury of taking a nap, at least close your eyes. Relax your shoulders, back and neck as you clear your mind of worries and obligations.

5. Give yourself a massage

Treating headaches with massage

We recommend that you visit a masseur to massage the painful areas of your body (if the headache is due to muscle cramps). But you can also relieve the symptoms yourself by applying light pressure to your forehead, crown, scalp and sinuses.

Make circular and continuous movements for at least 15 seconds per area.

6. Eat healthy

Frequent headaches can be due to many causes. One is an unbalanced diet. So if you regularly suffer from migraines, try changing your diet.

Choose a light lunch consisting of fruit or vegetables. V ermijd than coffee (drinking instead seasoning blends) and stop eating fast food.

For breakfast or as a snack, green smoothies are delicious and healthy.

7. Take a break from your computer or phone

Treating headaches and computer use

If we spend a lot of time in front of a screen, it is not surprising that we get headaches.

This is why – if you work in an office on a computer or on the phone – it’s a good idea to take a break from these devices to treat your headache. Do that several times a day and for at least a few minutes at a time.

Close your eyes or look out the window to relax the optic nerves and retina.

8. Drink lots of water

There is a clear relationship between dehydration and headaches. If the body does not have enough fluids, the blood flow decreases and so the oxygen supply to the brain goes down.

  • Drink a glass of cold water as soon as symptoms start.
  • Try to drink 2 liters of water a day to avoid this problem.

Home remedies to treat headaches

In addition to these recommendations and changing our habits, there are also natural products and recipes to treat headaches without medication. Such as, for example:

1. Cloves

Treat headaches with cloves

You can use cloves in several ways to combat the symptoms caused by stress headaches.

  • For example, you can crush two or three cloves and place them in a cloth bag or in a thin cloth. Slowly inhale the scent through your nose.
  • You can also put clove oil on a cotton pad and inhale the scent gently through your nose.

2. Ginger

This powerful root has many benefits. For example, it reduces inflammation of the blood vessels and cures colds (which also cause headaches).

  • You can add grated or ground ginger to dishes or tea to reap its benefits.
  • Some health food stores sell ginger candies. Chewing it can relieve headaches.

3. Cinnamon

Treat headaches and cinnamon

Cinnamon is a very useful spice, not only in gastronomy but also for medicinal use. This is due to the fact that it offers the possibility to treat common colds and headaches.

  • To consume it several times a day, sprinkle cinnamon powder in your tea and over your desserts.

4. Apples

This delicious and nutritious fruit has many properties that balance acidity and alkaline levels in the body. It also relieves headaches.

  • We recommend eating a raw apple with skin when symptoms start. 

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