How To Treat Lumbago Naturally

How can you treat lumbago naturally

Lumbago or low back pain is a collective term for pain around the lower back vertebrae. Low back pain is very common and is caused by a combination of factors that affect the surrounding muscles, ligaments, nerves and vertebrae. 

An attack of low back pain can be recognized by nagging or stabbing pain, stiffness and reduced mobility, which can last for a few days, but can also turn into a chronic condition that can affect daily life in an unpleasant way.

This article describes the possible causes of lumbago and the natural remedies to relieve and prevent this annoying condition.

What are the possible causes of low back pain?


A number of factors are known to play a role in the development of lumbago. It is certain that back pain in most people has to do with the muscles, ligaments and joints in the back.  The most common causes are listed below:

  • Muscle tension and posture compensation to counteract this tension.
  • Abnormal curvature of the spine (scoliosis and lordosis).
  • Kidney problems can also show low back pain as a symptom.
  • Arthritis and osteoarthritis of the lower spinal vertebrae.
  • Stress and emotional overload due to a high work pace, fear, relationship problems.
  • Constipation and digestive problems can cause pain between the digestive organs and the spine.

If low back pain persists for more than a few days, it is important to consult your doctor to rule out the existence of serious conditions. Your doctor can then make an accurate diagnosis using an MRI exam or traditional radiography.

Anti-inflammatory diet to relieve lumbago

During a bout of lumbago, it is surprising that they recommend paying proper attention to what you eat. We recommend a balanced diet as well as avoiding inflammation-promoting foods such as dairy products, white sugar, red meat and refined flour products. Instead, put foods on the menu that are known to reduce and fight inflammation:

  • Fruit and healthy fruit and vegetable juices (carrot, celery, beetroot)
  • Red peppers
  • Chia seed
  • nuts
  • Green tea
  • Ginger
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Broccoli
beet juice

Applying heat to a painful lower back

The lower back area is a place in the body that catches a cold easily, causing muscle tension more quickly. Applying a heat source locally can provide significant relief and noticeably reduce pain. Use an electric blanket, pads that you can heat in the microwave, a hot water bottle or cover the back with a wool blanket.

A warm shower will also relax the muscles quickly. Hold the shower head at the height of the painful area and gradually increase the temperature of the water, but watch out for too hot.

Move the water jet slowly from left to right for about five minutes. This method is most effective if you can use it while sitting.

Keep in mind that this remedy is better not used in the case of a hernia and sciatica, because of which the back pain is caused by a pinched or inflamed nerve.

Infusions of medicinal plants for back pain

Well-known medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory properties and provide the body with necessary minerals are horsetail or horsetail and sarsaparilla.

Sarsaparilla has a stimulating effect on the immune system and is therefore able to treat inflammation. Horsetail is particularly rich in minerals that the body needs to build bones and cartilage.

Make a liter of infusion of both plants daily. Add a squeeze of lemon for a fresh taste and use stevia as an optional sweetener. Drink this infusion throughout the day.


Compresses with clay

Clay is one of the many types of soil whose medicinal properties have been known for a long time. Loam or clay contains many minerals and substances that fight inflammation and is therefore a cheap, efficient and natural remedy in the fight against lumbago.

Compresses are made by mixing warm water with red or green clay to form a smooth paste. Get the right consistency, which you can easily apply to the lower back.

Cover the gasket with a cloth or warm blanket to provide sufficient heat as well. Leave it on for at least half an hour, but clay compresses can also be left on for up to several hours or overnight. You will notice when you remove the compress that the clay has completely dried out.

The poultice promotes the excretion of toxins, soothes inflammation and supplies the body with nourishing minerals. Remove the clay with lukewarm water and gently massage the skin with oil.


Arnica is a medicinal plant used by many athletes to prevent and treat injuries. It is mainly used in gels, creams, supplements and homeopathic applications. It is applied topically to the skin or taken in pill form.

If you opt for a homeopathic treatment with arnica, then go for the  Arnica Montana 9 CH  treatment. Place 3 granules under the tongue, three times a day between meals and drinks.

rosemary vinegar

You can also relieve low back pain by massaging the painful area with rosemary vinegar. Rosemary cider vinegar promotes circulation, and a gentle massage can help relieve accumulated muscle tension.

This natural remedy is easy to prepare at home. Soak a few sprigs of rosemary in vinegar and as a result you have an inexpensive and efficient means of quickly tackling lumbago.

Cupping therapy against muscle tension in the lower back

Cupping therapy is a traditional treatment from Chinese medicine. Cupping provides a firm muscle and connective tissue massage and is therefore extremely suitable for use in low back pain. Cupping uses glass or crystal half cups.

These heat them and place them on the skin, creating a vacuum and suction effect. This cleans the pores and gives the underlying tissues a firm massage. Pain and inflammation diminish after ten minutes.

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