How To Sleep Well

Do you sleep less than 6 hours a night? Do you know what this can mean for your health? Discover here how you can ensure a better night’s sleep yourself.
That's how you sleep well

Today we are going to talk about the harmful effects poor sleep can have on your health and we will also give some advice on how to sleep well. Do you sleep well?

Our body needs about 7 to 9 hours of sleep to effectively perform daily tasks. However, this time varies from person to person. Individuals who sleep 6 or fewer hours a day can expose themselves to health risks.

 Lack of sleep

A lack of sleep can cause a variety of health problems, both short-term and long-term.


  • Lack of concentration
  • clumsiness
  • Fatigue


  • Increase the risk of diabetes
  • Can cause amnesia
  • Can lead to obesity
  • Weaken the immune system
  • A possible increased risk of certain cancers

It is better not to just dismiss these problems with your health. If you are one of those people who sleeps less than 6 hours a night, read the advice below to get a good night’s sleep and wake up fully rested.

Advice to sleep well

  1. Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time. This creates a habit that prevents you from having trouble falling asleep.
  2. Start the day with a healthy breakfast.
  3. Do not eat large evening meals before going to bed.
  4. Do not consume caffeinated drinks or other stimulants a few hours before going to sleep. These can remain in your body for 3 to 5 hours.
  5. Do n’t do any physical exertion 3 hours before going to sleep .
  6. The light in your room is very important. You have to sleep in the dark or with very little light.
  7. The room temperature should be comfortable for you. Not too hot or too cold.
  8. Try not to work in your room. Let your brain associate the bedroom with bedtime.
  9. Make a bedtime schedule. This schedule may include meditation, relaxing bath, listening to relaxing music, slow, deep breathing. The important thing is that you find a way to relax so that you fall asleep more easily.
  10. Don’t watch TV before going to sleep and if possible, make sure you don’t have one in your room.
  11. Drink a relaxing tea.
  12. Sleep in spacious and comfortable clothes.
  13. In the evening, do not eat foods that are rich in fats or that are very salty.

Teas that can help you sleep well

Below we will talk about stimulating natural methods. Here are some teas that may help you fall asleep.


Chamomile is good for better sleep

Because of the relaxing properties it possesses, drinking a chamomile infusion made with one tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers before going to sleep can be very helpful.

However, it is not recommended to drink this tea during pregnancy.

real valerian

Real valerian is good for better sleep

True valerian also contains properties that can help you fall asleep. Drink an infusion made with the root of this plant. Soak 15 grams of the root in water overnight. Drink one cup in the afternoon and another before going to bed.

However, this tea is not suitable for everyone:

  • Do not combine this with antidepressants, antihistamines or antispasmodics.
  • Also avoid use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • It is also not suitable for small children.


Boldo also has calming effects. Drink an infusion of 2.5 grams of dried boldo leaves in 100 ml of water before going to sleep.

Do not consume boldo if you:

  • suffer from diarrhea or gallstones.
  • taking blood thinners or other medicines.


Excellent for calming the nerves and preparing you for a restorative rest. Drink an infusion with one teaspoon of dried hops in one glass of water before going to bed.

linden blossom

Drink an infusion with one tablespoon of linden blossom in one glass of water. Drink a glass half an hour before going to sleep.

Lemon juice

Mix lemon juice with warm water and add a few teaspoons of honey.

real marjoram

Perfect for nervous and stressed people. Make a bath with real marjoram essential oil, which will help you fall asleep.

These recommendations will help you sleep better and wake up with more energy to successfully complete all your daily tasks. Do not use more than recommended.

If you still have trouble falling asleep after this, contact a specialist.

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