How To Choose A Calcium Supplement

There are numerous types of calcium supplements on the market. The choice between one or the other depends on your needs. Therefore, consult your doctor first.
How To Choose A Calcium Supplement

In today’s article, we’re going to talk about calcium supplements and how to choose the right calcium supplement for yourself. Sometimes it is necessary to take a calcium supplement to improve the absorption of this nutrient.

Insufficient calcium intake can cause premature osteoporosis, especially in women who have reached menopause. Most often, the assimilation of calcium is related to vitamin D levels.

It is therefore important to keep the values ​​of both nutrients within the recommended levels. However, certain foods can interfere with the absorption of dietary calcium, such as fiber.

To ensure the intake of this mineral, it is a good choice to use a supplement. However, not all supplements are created equal, so you need to know which calcium supplement to choose based on your needs.

Calcium is essential for bone health

Different types of dairy

Dairy products, as well as green vegetables, contain calcium. However, consuming it is not always enough to get the recommended daily amounts.

This mineral is directly related to bone health and functionality. In general, dairy products and leafy greens are rich in calcium. However, there are situations where dietary intake is insufficient.

Ideally , you should consume five servings of fruits and vegetables and several servings of dairy products per day, as this reduces the risk of developing a calcium deficiency.

Types of Calcium Supplements

Jar full of calcium tablets

There are different types of calcium supplements. To choose between one or the other, it’s helpful to know your needs. The most common over-the-counter supplement is calcium carbonate.

This is a relatively inexpensive product that is easy to take. It can often be found in pills or chewable tablets that contain about 200 mg of calcium per dose.

In addition, calcium citrate is the most common prescription supplement. Prescription supplements are more expensive supplements, but they also have better absorbency. They are mainly used in people with low stomach acid, which can interfere with the absorption of calcium carbonate.

Apart from these two types, you can also find calcium lactate, calcium phosphate and calcium gluconate in the market. However, they contain less calcium than the first two we mentioned.

When it comes to choosing a calcium supplement, it’s important to choose one that has the word “purified” on the label. It is also best to avoid products made from unrefined oyster shell, bone meal, or dolomite, as they may contain trace amounts of heavy metals.

How to increase your calcium intake

If you want to increase your calcium intake, you should consider some recommendations. First , you should always seek advice from a medical professional. Then you need to gradually increase the dose of the supplement. It is also advisable to divide the dose over the day. This way you prevent the side effects in the intestines (English link).

It is also usually sufficient to combine calcium intake with increased vitamin D consumption. You can do this by safely exposing yourself to the sun, increasing your consumption of eggs and blue fish, or by taking supplements rich in this nutrient.

Precautions Regarding Taking Calcium Supplements

The worst side effects that result from overconsumption of calcium may be kidney stones. However, this type of ailment manifests itself not in everyone, but in those who are prone to it.

In addition, excessive calcium intake can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients, such as:

  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus

For this reason, you should never exceed the recommended daily doses.

If you’ve been consuming too much calcium or experiencing side effects, you’ll need to increase your intake of fluids and foods that contain significant amounts of fiber to limit absorption.


If you are not getting enough calcium from your diet, you may need to take a supplement. Among the various presentation forms on the market, it is important to choose the supplement that meets your needs.

However, it is important to increase the dose gradually to avoid side effects. Finally, it is worth remembering that it is possible to combine a calcium supplement with a vitamin D supplement to maximize the absorption and bioavailability of the former.

In all cases, before taking any supplement, it is advisable to consult a doctor or nutritionist so that they can evaluate your needs and advise the correct dosage.

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