How Can You Avoid Bad Luck In Love?

Don’t get caught up in the obsession with having a partner. Stop repeating the same relationship pattern. In the infatuation stage, you go blind and allow things to happen that you shouldn’t. Start by making conscious choices.
How can you avoid bad luck in love?

Many people complain that they are unlucky in love. But is it really adversity that befalls you? Are you indeed unable to avoid it? Is that the problem? Or are you looking for it?

We think that in relationships, the latter statement is often the correct one.

This is especially true if you complain that you always meet the same type of person. It’s someone who doesn’t respect you or doesn’t love you the way you think you deserve.

We have a lot to say about that so-called bad luck in love.

Repeating the same romantic patterns

Repeating romantic patterns

If you keep repeating the same pattern in a relationship, it’s not bad luck. It basically means that you are blind to acknowledging that you are not learning from your relationships. You, on the other hand, always fall into the same trap.

If you are always with a partner who verbally abuses you, why do your relationships continue?

It is true that the person can be very loving during the infatuation stage and then change.

But in the moment of that change, you must move on. From the first moment of disrespect or verbal abuse, you should leave with your head held high.

However, what happens to some people is that they have an excuse for everything under the banner of ‘love’. They continue to support the situation with their current partner. They then repeat the same pattern with the next person and with the partner after that. The result is always the same.

You have to think about the mistakes that are your own responsibility. You may be blaming the other person without being aware of certain expectations. Here are some examples:

  • Waiting for things to change.  You give him another chance, or two or three if necessary. The love you feel for that person is so great (or so you think) that you hope that he will change his attitude or way of acting. But it doesn’t change.
  • Having too high expectations.  You want your partner to be perfect, the only one for you, your better half… That’s why you will fight and accept everything because you want it to be perfect.
  • Making things happen the first time.  The first time your partner yells at you, it doesn’t affect you. But after the tenth time, you may have had enough. Better not to allow it even once. Otherwise, you allow it to become the norm.

Unconscious choices can lead to bad luck in love

Unconscious choices cause bad luck in love

Bad luck in love can also occur when you unconsciously choose your partner. This means that sometimes you don’t make a decision at all.

The first person that comes your way is then the one. You don’t even think about turning him down. Because look how friendly and open he is!

This is a sign of a significant lack of self-confidence. You have to learn to say ‘no’. In addition, you should also learn to check whether you really want to start a relationship and what you are looking for before settling on a partner.

Do you wait for someone to notice you first so that you can only focus on them?

If this is the case, you are out of luck in love. You lack self-confidence. Self-confidence is absolutely necessary to take care of yourself and protect yourself so that you don’t get hurt.

The need to have a partner at all costs

Eventually this becomes an obsession with having a partner and leads to anxiety. The people around you and society in general fuel these feelings.

Having a partner then becomes synonymous with being happy. Being part of a couple means starting a family and being happy.

But if that’s true, why are there so many unhappy couples?

It is because not everyone acts in a conscious way.

You are not required to have a partner. Stop repeating the same relationship patterns. You then go blind in the infatuation stage and allow things to happen that you shouldn’t allow. Start by making conscious choices.

When you do that, you will no longer be unlucky in love.

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