Healthy Recipes For Sweet Cravings

Are you also such a sweet tooth? Discover the tastiest healthy recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth in this article that you can easily make at home.
Healthy recipes for sweet cravings

Sugar is delicious and makes us feel good, but too much of it is anything but healthy and also extremely addictive. It is therefore not surprising that at certain times we are overwhelmed by the craving for something delicious such as chocolate, desserts and other sweets, or sweet appetite.

What can you do in this case? Discover the best healthy recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth in this article.

Recipes to satisfy sweet cravings

Some of these recipes are healthier than others. The good news is that they will provide you with a good dose of natural sweeteners, which will help you stop rummaging through your fridge and cupboards for something that will satisfy your sweet tooth.

Chocolate strawberries

Use dark melting chocolate for a delicious chocolate fondue. Dip the strawberries in this or choose apples or other fruits that you like. Bananas, for example, are also very suitable for this and are full of vitamin B, fiber and potassium. You can also put the chocolate-dipped fruits in the freezer to make a kind of ice cream.

The good news for those with a sweet tooth is that this treat will quickly eliminate your cravings for something sweet.


Yogurt and muesli

Mix a cup of low-fat yogurt, such as natural Greek yogurt or vanilla yogurt, with a few tablespoons of granola or crumbled biscuits. Other interesting options are dried fruit and nuts (almonds, walnuts, etc.) or pieces of fresh fruit.


There’s nothing better than a good portion of fresh fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth!  Make a fruit salad with all the fruit you have at home and add orange juice to it. Preferably omit the sugar or use very little. Or opt for healthy stevia instead of regular sugar.

Dark chocolate

This is the only chocolate that is allowed if you want to satisfy your craving for something sweet in a healthy way. The higher the cocoa percentage, the better (at least 70%). In any case, be sure that no milk or sugar has been used.

Eat the chocolate in moderation to lower the stress hormone cortisol (a few cubes are enough). Dark chocolate can also increase your concentration when you have to study, for example.

And did you know that dark chocolate is rich in tryptophan? This is an amino acid that can help control nervousness and anxiety.

Chocolate bar


Smoothies are excellent for eliminating hunger, providing energy after exercise and also for satisfying sweet cravings. There are thousands of smoothie recipes and you can use all kinds of ingredients. Smoothies with fruit are a healthier option than smoothies that contain milk or cream.

fruit slush

There’s nothing better than all-natural, freshly squeezed fruit juice to get rid of your cravings for something sweet. And it is also very easy! You will need: the juice of an orange, a grapefruit or other similar fruit, ice cubes and a blender to mix it all up.

You can add a small spoonful of sugar if you prefer, but it is better to leave it out. Another option is to mix pieces of peach or cranberry directly in the blender with ice cubes.

Fruit juice


Even if you’re not used to drinking coffee in the evening, a small cup won’t hurt (don’t make it a habit). With this mochaccino you also get a good amount of caffeine and dark chocolate, so you will be less hungry for something sweet. If necessary, use brown sugar or natural sugar to sweeten the coffee.

Natural popsicles

These ice creams are delicious and easy to make. Who says you should only eat them in the summer? Make a fruit juice or smoothie, add honey for sweetness and put it in the freezer for two to three hours.

soft serve ice cream

frozen yogurt

Mix your favorite yogurt with chopped nuts, pieces of fruit, etc. and put it in the freezer. There is hardly anything richer or healthier to get rid of your sweet cravings.

baked apple

This healthy treat is really easy to make and perfect for cold winter evenings. It can also be done with pears. Place the apple on a sheet of baking paper with some water and put it in the oven. You can hollow out the apple and make a syrup with brown sugar and water.

baked apple


Homemade vanilla pudding is one of the best things to enjoy in the afternoon, but also a great option when you’re craving something sweet. It is healthy if you only use a little sugar for making the pudding or if you sweeten the pudding with honey or dates.

Do you prefer chocolate pudding? Then add some melted dark chocolate.

cereal bars

Cereal bars are nutritious and provide you with a large amount of vitamins.  Very suitable for after sports, for example. Because they are made with nuts, grains and fruits, you should always have them on hand. You can also make them yourself by mixing the ingredients together and pouring honey over them.

Fruit and cottage cheese

Not only is this option great for satisfying your sweet tooth, but it will also provide you with a good amount of protein. If the fruit does not give enough sweetness to the cottage cheese, you can add a tablespoon of honey or a teaspoon of cocoa powder.


cinnamon bread

Toasted bread with cinnamon is sweet and healthy. Spread a few slices of wholemeal bread with a tablespoon of butter and sprinkle with cinnamon powder.

Sweet jam and cheese

This is not only a special combination, but also a very tasty and very healthy one. In addition, it is also very easy to make. Simply cut the cheese into pieces or divide the slices and eat it together with the jam.

Mixed nuts

You can buy it in health food stores or make it yourself. Choose  hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, dates, raisins. Mix everything together in a bowl and voilĂ . Do not eat too much of it, because student oats contain quite a lot of calories. The good news is that it will satisfy your hunger and get rid of your sweet tooth.

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