Four Remedies To Relieve A Throat Infection

If you have a bacterial throat infection, consuming some natural remedies can help ease your discomfort and speed up recovery.
Four Remedies to Relieve a Throat Infection

Sore throats are common and that’s why many people choose to just let it go away on its own. If your throat feels dry and you are almost unable to swallow properly, you probably have a throat infection.

Today, we’ll explain everything you need to know about this discomfort, as well as four remedies that can help you feel better.

Causes of a throat infection

Woman with a throat infection

A throat infection can be viral or bacterial, meaning it can be caused by viruses or bacteria.

  • Viral: This is the most common, as it stems from common illnesses and the spread of viruses caused by the flu or a cold.
  • Bacterial: This infection is characterized by pain and inflammation. Streptococcal throat (Streptococcal pharyngitis), which is caused by a streptococcal infection, belongs in this group.

Symptoms of a throat infection

If you have a bacterial infection, you probably have:

  • fever
  • swollen tonsils
  • headache

However, if your sore throat is viral, you probably have:

  • cough
  • common cold
  • stuffy nose
  • a sore throat

Tips to ease your discomfort

Man with a sore throat

Hydration, rest, and avoiding certain habits can help you fight a throat infection. To relieve the discomfort, you should follow these recommendations:

Drink more water than you normally drink

You should always stay hydrated. Room temperature water will help relieve your pain. Drought aggravates the situation. Therefore, the pain is more intense in the mornings, as the throat often dries out at night. To keep your throat hydrated, suck on hard candies or lozenges. This stimulates saliva production.

Do not smoke

If you have a sore throat, try not to smoke. Otherwise, it may take longer for your throat to heal. Tobacco smoke will cause more discomfort and worsen your pain. In any case, it is harmful to your health.

Eat your dinner at least two hours before bedtime

This way, gastric juices won’t rise up your esophagus and cause a burning and sore throat. Eating your dinner at least two hours before bed will ensure that the food you have eaten is digested before you go to sleep. This means you are less at risk of worsening the discomfort.


Rest is always good for you, even in those cases that you think are unimportant. When you rest, you will also clear your mind and make better decisions. This way you also take better care of your throat and your body in general. So resting is very important.

When do you use antibiotics for a throat infection?

Before you want to use antibiotics, it is important that you know that these substances only fight bacteria, not viruses. So if you have a viral throat infection, you should not take antibiotics.

If you have bacterial strep throat, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. The most common type of bacterial throat infection is streptococcal pharyngitis, with the following symptoms:

  • high fever
  • suddenly a sore throat
  • to sneeze
  • common cold
  • cough

Four Natural Remedies for a Throat Infection

Pain in the throat

There are some natural remedies that can help you fight a throat infection. Here are four:

1. Garlic Tea

If you have a throat infection, garlic is a natural antibiotic that can help you fight it effectively.


  • 3 or 4 cloves of garlic
  • 2 cups of water (500ml)


  • First crush the garlic cloves.
  • Then heat the water until it boils.
  • Then add the garlic and let it cook for 5 minutes.
  • Finally, leave it alone. Then strain it and drink the liquid.

2. Echinacea Tea

This is a plant whose natural properties stimulate your immune system. It is also known to combat respiratory disorders such as flu and colds.

This remedy will activate your immune system when you are not feeling well. In this way, your body will try to fight all bacteria and viruses. You should take this infusion on an empty stomach and at bedtime.


  • 2 cups of water (500ml)
  • 2 teaspoons of echinacea flowers (10 gr.)
  • Honey to sweeten it (to taste)


  • First, pour the water into a pan, along with the flowers.
  • Then let it cook on a medium heat for 7 minutes. Then remove it from the fire.
  • Finally, let it sit for a while before straining and serving.

3. Ginger tea

Ginger is a root that helps fight many diseases. In the event of an infection, it is an excellent antibiotic that helps fight bacteria and viruses. We recommend that you use fresh ginger root for best results,


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger root (15 gr.)


  • Boil the water and then add the grated ginger root.
  • Then let it boil for 5 minutes and then remove it from the heat.
  • Let it sit for a while and then drink it.

4. Onion Tea

Onion is a perfect ally against a throat infection. This is because it contains vitamin C, quercetin and isothiocynates. These substances act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that help widen the airways.


  • 2 cups of water (500ml)
  • 1 onion


  • First wash and peel the onion and cut it into thin strips.
  • Add the onion to a pan of water and bring to a boil.
  • Then remove it from the heat and let it steep for about 7 minutes.
  • Finally, strain it and drink it.

If these remedies do not relieve your discomfort, we recommend that you consult a specialist so that he or she can prescribe suitable medicines to combat your throat infection.

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