Foods That Cause Unpleasant Body Odor

Unfortunately, in some cases, good hygiene is not enough to combat unpleasant body odor. For example, did you know that certain foods are also linked to this problem?
Foods that cause an unpleasant body odor

Body odor is caused by an interaction between the sweat glands and the skin, the volatiles your body generates and bacterial activity. An unpleasant body odor can be the result.

This process is usually triggered by problems with hormones or metabolism. However, certain illnesses or the use of certain medications can also cause this.

While most people think that sweat is the main culprit, the reality is that many types of germs, dirt, and the combination of certain foods in your diet can contribute to this problem. 

This last aspect can affect the pH value of your skin. As a result, the acidity becomes too high and it becomes more difficult to eliminate toxins. As a result, you may experience an unpleasant body odor.

In addition, some foods contain strong components that the body excretes through sweat or that are strongly noticeable in a person’s breath.

Do you know what foods these are?

1. Garlic can cause an unpleasant body odor

Garlic can cause an unpleasant body odor

There are plenty of people who choose to avoid garlic because it has such a strong odor that often lingers for a very long time.

In addition, the powerful sulfur-like compounds in garlic can also cause your sweat to have an unpleasant odor. Your lungs absorb these components. After digestion is complete, it enters the bloodstream, giving your breath and skin that distinctive odor.

2. Refined Sugars

Candy and all other foods made from refined sugar can affect acidity in the body and body temperature. As a result, the body can start to excrete an unpleasant odor. 

Bacteria live on sweets, which increases the number of bacteria and can worsen the fermentation process and body odor.

3. Spices

Spices can cause an unpleasant body odor

Spices such as curry and cumin usually cause unpleasant breath and body odor. This is because the sulfurous gases they contain are expelled from the body through the pores during digestion.

In general, the body processes these gases. However, a large part remains in the bloodstream and the body does not release this part until later.

4. Hydrogenated Fats

Hydrogenated fats are the fats used to prepare junk foods, fried foods, baked goods and other foods. These fats are not only the main cause of obesity, but are also linked to the development of body odor.

It seems that these types of fats complicate digestion because they interact negatively with other foods that are processed in the gut.

5. Pork

Pork can cause an unpleasant body odor

Pate, sausages, bacon and other foods containing pork can increase stomach acidity and cause intestinal gas.

The digestive system breaks down these types of products very slowly.  Thanks to their high fat and chemical content, they can also interfere with the metabolic functions responsible for eliminating toxins.

6. Red meat

The proteins in red meat are harder to digest. Because this ensures that these proteins remain in the intestines for a longer period of time, the chance of fermentation and developing an unpleasant body odor also increases.

People who eat red meat less often tend to have a less strong body odor than people who regularly eat red meat.

In addition, avoiding red meat can help reduce intestinal gas, stomach inflammation and constipation.

7. Asparagus

Asparagus can cause an unpleasant body odor

Although asparagus is very healthy, thanks to the natural decomposition in the body, they can cause your urine to have a strong and sour odor. However, this effect only occurs in people who have a genetic predisposition to develop and pick up certain scents.

8. Alcoholic Beverages

People who drink a lot of alcohol often suffer from a less pleasant body odor and breath. Your body processes alcohol as a toxin, making your liver responsible for this process.

Almost ninety percent is converted to acetic acid. This is a non-toxic component that is removed from the body along with excess fluid and salt. The rest, which often remains in your bloodstream, is removed through normal breathing or the pores.

9. Onions

Onions can cause an unpleasant body odor

Bacteria help to break down the sulfur-like amino acids that onions contain. This generates unpleasant, powerful components such as hydrogen, sulfide, methanethiol and dimethyl sulfide. These sulfur-like components are absorbed into the bloodstream and end up in the mouth, stomach, intestines and liver.

They are also transported to the lungs, where in large quantities they can cause unpleasant breath.

If you still suffer from unpleasant body odor despite good hygiene and good health, then there is a good chance that your eating habits are the culprits. Try to reduce your consumption of the above foods in this case!

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