Five Effective Exercises For Pain In Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Did you know that stretching and heat on your wrist can help relieve the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome?
Five effective exercises for pain in carpal tunnel syndrome

The pain in carpal tunnel syndrome can have several causes. However, the constant movement of your wrist can cause a nasty inflammation. This article introduces you to five effective exercises to relieve this pain.

This problem usually occurs when you use your computer ‘s mouse too much. However, these exercises can help relieve the pain. You can also perform them yourself. That way you can prevent inflammation and reduce the symptoms before it becomes a chronic condition.

Why do you feel pain from carpal tunnel syndrome?

Causes of pain in carpal tunnel syndrome

The origin of carpal tunnel syndrome is usually the result of several factors:

  • Repetitive and continuous movements or positions of the hand and wrist. This happens, for example, when you work on a device, play a musical instrument, use a computer mouse or your mobile phone.
  • Tension or stiffness of the joints and tendons.
  • The tendency to bulge due to heredity, injuries, etc.
  • Acidic foods that contain a lot of refined products, sugars and unhealthy fats.

Five effective exercises

1. Stretching exercises before, during and after using the wrist

Do you know that you have carpal tunnel syndrome pain as a result of sitting in the same position or doing the same hand movements over and over? That is why you need to perform stretching exercises on a daily basis.

You should also do these exercises throughout the day. If possible, you should perform them before, during and after using your wrists.

  • The main stretch is to bring your arm forward in a horizontal manner.
  • Then lift the hand perpendicular to your body. This gesture is similar to telling someone to stop.
  • You will feel a slight discomfort and tension in the hand and wrist. This means you’re doing it the right way.

2. Movements and warm-up exercises

After stretching the tendons, you should do a short warm-up exercise. That way you put an end to the stiffness.

You can do this by performing gentle movements. They activate all possible positions of the hands and wrists.

  • Make circular movements in both directions with your wrist for about 1 minute.
  • Do your best to form full circles. After all, the inflammation may limit your range of motion.

3. Warm massages

Effective exercises in carpal tunnel syndrome

If, for example, you feel an acute inflammation as a result of a bruise, you can apply an ice pack to relieve the pain.

However, when the inflammation is chronic, it is recommended rather to warm it. In this case, you can ease the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome by applying heat to the affected area.

This is a good way to perform these types of effective exercises:

  • Warm up the affected area by having a massage or by performing a massage yourself in the morning and evening.
  • We recommend using olive oil or sesame seed oil.
  • If you like, you can also add a few drops of ginger or cinnamon essential oil. The effects of the heat will be immediate.

4. Contrasting Baths

Alternating cold and hot baths is yet another way to activate blood flow. This technique has been performed in various ways since ancient times. It is used to reduce swelling and pain.

How do you apply contrasting baths?

  • Use two bins or buckets. Fill one with cold water and the other with hot water.
  • Dip your hands and wrists in the hot water for 30 seconds and then in the cold water for 15 seconds. You can even dip the hand and arm up to the elbow if you want.
  • Each session should last at least three minutes. You should also do it spread out throughout the day.
  • Reduce the number of sessions as the pain subsides.

5. Stress Balls

This is one of the most commonly used and effective exercises used by physiotherapists. In the rehabilitation program they often use stress balls. After all, squeezing a simple rubber or foam ball by hand helps to train the muscles and tendons that traverse the carpal tunnel.

As you regain your strength and agility, you can use another ball that is harder. This exercise is also good for the muscles of the fingers. In addition, it eliminates the stiffness associated with the pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Strangely enough, these balls are also an excellent remedy for reducing stress levels. This confirms that the nervous system can influence tension in the hands and wrists. That is why it is also fundamental that you look for alternatives that help you relax. Relaxation is necessary to carry out your daily responsibilities.

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