Find Out Which Pet Is Best For You

Determining which pet is best for you will depend a lot on the personal characteristics of the individual responsible for it.
Find out which pet is best for you

Having a pet can improve our overall health. The benefits are both physical and psychological. According to the opinions of some experts, these advantages are quite impressive. But how do you know which pet is best for you?

However, there are some pets that are better than others from a hygienic point of view.

Some pets can be very risky if not properly cared for. For example, this is what can happen to the green iguana.

Experts usually recommend cats and dogs

Woman with kitten and puppy in the grass

It is not uncommon for cats and dogs to be the most popular species among pet lovers. Both are domesticated, healthy, adaptive and we have developed an extensive knowledge about these animals, especially in veterinary medicine.

Both animals can transmit microorganisms that affect humans. Through cleanliness and vaccinations we have measures to prevent infections or viruses.

Speaking of health, there are some differences between these domesticated animals.

Cats and the small risk of toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is perhaps the only negative point when we compare cats and dogs.

We are talking about a disease transmitted by the parasite toxoplasma gondii that can have significant negative effects on pregnant women.

Relying on an efficient immune system is fundamental to avoiding the dangers of this infection.

Frankly, however, the majority of cat owners are immune to it and develop antibodies that fight this disease, often asymptomatically.

When we ask ourselves which pet is the most beneficial for our health, it seems that dogs are winning the net over cats.

This doesn’t mean that cats don’t make excellent home pets.

Health benefits of having a dog at home

Dog gives man a high five

Having a dog as a pet can provide significant emotional health benefits.

Contact with these animals constantly releases dopamine and serotonin. These two substances fight stress and heart disorders.

That’s not the only way a dog helps protect our hearts.

According to a study done in the United States, people with heart disease who have dogs have a longer life expectancy than other people.

This makes sense, since people with dogs take at least a 20-minute walk every day.

That increases physical activity and improves heart rhythm. In addition, pet lovers are less likely to fall into a depressed state.

Dogs and Allergy Problems

There are people who cannot tolerate the dander in the fur of this type of pet. Allergies remain a problem for many pet owners.

Many experts point out that children with dogs are less likely to develop allergies.

The reason is that the immune system adapts to life with a pet. In addition, the bacteriological flora of dogs can contribute to strengthening our own defense mechanisms.

In any case, patients with allergies can choose breeds that do not have a coat. Some of these include the Mexican Crested, the Argentine Pila, or the Chinese Crested Crested.

Another alternative is an English bulldog, due to the fact that it has a thick coat that is quite short.

How to determine which pet is best for your health

Girl cuddles with cat

Knowing which pet is best for our health will depend on the analysis of many variables:

  • First, it’s important to find out which species are the most risky for humans.
  • The second is to find out about the health benefits of our favorite pets.

In the past, it was believed that pets such as hamsters and turtles were good for children. Today we know that both animals carry germs and infections that are just as dangerous as salmonella. Some caution is therefore advised.

Dogs remain ‘man’s best friend’

Dogs remain the most practical pet when we take health into account. Living with them carries few dangers and their company generates proven positive effects in our lives.

Still, with all of this, determining which pet is best depends on the exact science of reality and each person’s preferences.

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