Fighting Varicose Veins With Olive Oil And Marigold

Would you like to get rid of those stubborn and annoying varicose veins? In this article we show you how you can do this with a natural treatment of olive oil and marigold. Try this remedy!

Varicose veins are an unsightly condition that occurs when the veins and capillaries expand. This happens because the blood has trouble returning to the heart. You can fight varicose veins with olive oil and marigold.

It can be caused by an imbalance in the body tissues due to inflammation, but it can also occur because the valves that regulate blood circulation are weakened.

While this condition often leads to no symptoms, it is sometimes accompanied by an unpleasant heaviness and tingling in the lower extremities of the body.

In addition, varicose veins look ugly because of the swelling and bruising. That can also cause problems for the self-confidence of those people who suffer from it.

Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that promote blood circulation due to their properties. They can therefore combat this problem in an effective way. One of those great tools is an olive oil and marigold based treatment.

You apply it locally and thus fight varicose veins in an effective way.

In this article we show you the properties of these foods. We also explain how you can prepare this treatment at home in a few simple steps.

Fighting varicose veins with olive oil and marigold

This natural treatment based on olive oil and marigold can fight varicose veins very effectively for many years.

Both ingredients have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, as well as relieve pain. Once absorbed through the skin, they reduce the size of the dilated veins. This ensures the activation of blood circulation in the affected areas.

Massage this treatment into the skin. This will relieve the heavy feeling caused by this condition.

At the same time, it stimulates the functions of the lymphatic system. This in turn ensures that the toxins and fluids that make it difficult to stop varicose veins are discharged in the best possible way.

This treatment is not a miracle cure. However, if you use it regularly, it can still improve the results you get from eating a healthy diet and adopting other habits to fight varicose veins.

The positive effects of olive oil

Olive oil is an ingredient that stands out for its high content of important fatty acids, along with vitamin E and minerals.

These nutrients support the fight against inflammation and also stimulate good blood circulation and the removal of waste.

Olive oil also contains a remarkable amount of omega 3, a type of healthy fat. This improves the flow of blood through the veins and restores the function of the valves that only open in one direction.

In addition, this nutrient contains antioxidants, which reduces the dilation of the veins and reduces the pressure that occurs with varicose veins.

The beneficial effect of marigold

Marigolds have clotting, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. When the body absorbs these properties, they ensure that the blood flow through the arteries is optimal.

For centuries, marigold has been used as a treatment for inflammatory problems. After all, marigolds reduce swelling, while at the same time restoring circulation.

In addition, marigold contains:

  • flavonoids
  • vitamin C
  • important minerals

When absorbed, it improves the resilience and recovery process of the skin.

It is one of the best alternative remedies for varicose veins. That’s because it calms capillary inflammation in the blood. Thus, it ensures that the blood can easily return to the upper part of the body.

How do you prepare the treatment based on olive oil and marigold?

You will not need much time to prepare this remedy for varicose veins at home. Plus, it won’t cost you too much like other products.

We recommend that you buy one hundred percent extra virgin olive oil, because the nutritious quality of this type of oil is better.

 What do you need for this?

  • 10 fresh marigolds
  • 150 ml extra virgin olive oil

Do you need other stuff?

  • a glass bowl with a lid

How do you prepare it?

  • Finely chop the flowers.
  • Then put them in the glass dish.
  • Stir in the olive oil. Make sure the oil completely covers the marigold.
  • Close the bowl tightly.
  • Let the mixture marinate in a dark place for ten days.
  • After this period, separate the flour residues and the oil.
  • Then place the flowers on your body.

How do you use this treatment?

  • Take as much of the product as you need. Massage it gently on the areas affected by varicose veins.
  • Rub it in using gentle, circular and sustained movements. Also, gently press the affected area to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Use this treatment three to four times a week, preferably before going to sleep.

Do you suffer from varicose veins? Prepare to make this treatment at home. Add it to your beauty routine. You will quickly reduce the occurrence of varicose veins with this remedy.

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