Fake Pregnancy: What Exactly Is It?

A false pregnancy can be diagnosed in some people. Today we will see what it really is and how it can be treated.
Fake Pregnancy: What Is It Exactly?

Many people have heard of the term false pregnancy. You probably see this as something far from your bed, a term you’ve heard in a movie or documentary.

You may have heard the term fake pregnancy because your pet suffered from it. This usually happens in dogs.

However, people can also suffer from this form of pregnancy, also known as pseudocyesis. In this article we will therefore tell you about its features and the most suitable treatment options.

Characteristics of a false pregnancy

Currently, cases of fake pregnancy are quite rare, at least in our society. The reason for this, as some studies indicate, is found in the social significance of pregnancy.

Not long ago, women needed children to feel that they had fulfilled their mission. The biological predisposition to pregnancy, the inability to conceive, and the stress this entails predisposed women to pseudocyesis.

Morning sickness also occurs in a false pregnancy

At the moment, however, it is no longer so important to society whether women have children or not. Now there are other interests and being a mother is an option that many women don’t choose. They shouldn’t feel bad about it, though.

Nevertheless, we are going to look at the characteristics with which you can detect a false pregnancy:

  • Increased abdominal volume and weight.
  • Morning sickness, just like a normal pregnancy.
  • Absence of menstruation.
  • The breasts are growing and there is milk production.
  • Feel the ‘baby’ move.

Despite the fact that all these symptoms can clearly indicate that there is a pregnancy, in the case of pseudocyesis, there is no baby.

A real case of fake pregnancy

dr. Ana Cecilia Márquez wrote about a case of a real fake pregnancy (Spanish link). In it, she explained how a 34-year-old patient came to her practice with a 28-week pregnancy. At least that was what she claimed.

The reason for the consultation was because the baby was not moving. Her pregnancy was diagnosed because of the symptoms she was showing. These were:

  • Amenorrhea or absence of menstruation.
  • Milk production.
  • Increased abdominal volume.
  • Excessive sleepiness or hypersomnia.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Dizziness and vomiting.
  • Changes in skin pigmentation.

After these symptoms were confirmed, an examination of the patient was performed, which revealed that there was no heartbeat. An ultrasound was made to check this, but the images gave no indication that the woman was pregnant.

Treatment of a false pregnancy

Woman who thinks she is pregnant needs psychological help

As we have shown, a false pregnancy causes some real symptoms that do not correspond to the physical condition of the woman who suffers from it. It is not an easy situation, so treatment usually focuses on the psychological aspect.

1. Psychological care

This kind of care is essential when doctors diagnose a false pregnancy. Often women suffer from it as a way of escaping an emotion they can’t handle.

In addition, wanting a child and not being able to make it happen (due to problems with your partner or infertility) can cause stress and anxiety that lead to pseudocyesis.

You can discuss all of this with a psychologist. Normally , the woman initially dismisses the possibility that she is not pregnant. However, once she accepts what’s going on with her, this kind of pregnancy often goes away on its own.

2. Psychiatric care

While it is important to see a psychologist, you may also need a psychiatrist. These two professionals usually work together in certain situations to achieve better results.

In addition, in the case of a false pregnancy, you may need ovulation-inducing drugs, as their absence causes amenorrhea. The return of menstruation can make the patient so aware that her pregnancy was only in her imagination.

Has anyone close to you ever had a false pregnancy? Or has a pet of yours experienced it? We hope this article has helped you better understand this situation some women go through.

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to put yourself in the hands of psychological health professionals. With their help, you can not only solve this situation, but you can also improve your overall well-being.

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