Exercises For Tendonitis In The Shoulder

Today’s article will show you some exercises that will help you overcome shoulder tendonitis. Read on and ask your doctor or physical therapist if these exercises are appropriate for your specific situation.
Exercises for a tendonitis in the shoulder

Shoulder tendonitis is quite painful, but you can overcome it with the help of some exercises. The condition is the result of overexertion or repetitive movements and anyone can get tendonitis.

This injury restricts the range of motion and thus affects the normal routine of your daily life. The good news is that some exercises can help relieve the pain.

In today’s article, we’ll tell you what exactly tendonitis is, why it occurs, what treatments are available, and we’ll introduce you to some exercises you can do to aid recovery.

What is shoulder tendonitis and why does it occur?

The term tendonitis is a word that consists of 2 parts. Tendo is the Latin word for tendon and the suffix -itis is used for inflammation. Simply put, it is an inflammation of the tendon.

What we call a shoulder tendonitis is actually a problem that affects various parts of a joint, from the brachial biceps to the rotator cuff. Some of the major factors associated with this injury include:

  • Age. Joint stiffness may be a predisposing factor in elderly patients due to osteoarthritis.
  • Intensive sports activities. The effort and endless repetition of certain movements, and even the range of motion, can cause injuries in people who exercise a lot. For example, it is common among baseball pitchers.
  • Repetitive or heavy work. This includes work carried out by designers, programmers, masons and blacksmiths.
  • Other causes. These can vary from sudden movements to situations where there is poor blood flow to the tendons.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Shoulder Tendonitis

An X-ray of a shoulder joint

The most obvious signs of tendonitis in the shoulder or elsewhere in the body are inflammation and pain. A person may experience tenderness when moving and stretching a muscle, or when putting pressure on the joint. In addition, there may be a lack of strength.

In addition, the inflammation, pain, and lack of strength that characterize shoulder tendonitis can limit a person’s ability to perform their daily activities.

Doctors need to run several tests to correctly diagnose these types of problems. It may be an X-ray, an ultrasound, an MRI, or a computerized axial tomography (CT) scan. In addition, they have to do a medical movement exam and get a detailed picture of the patient’s history.

Possible treatments

Arthroscopy is an available treatment for shoulder tendonitis, but surgery is only used in the most severe cases. Instead, a doctor will likely suggest a more conservative alternative first.

In addition to resting and applying cold compresses to the painful area, a doctor will most likely refer you to a physical therapist to improve mobility, stability, and strength of the joint. The exercise sessions usually include stretching exercises and massage.

  • There are also other techniques, such as electrotherapy and ultrasound therapy.
  • In addition, doctors often recommend the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatories.

Exercises to overcome shoulder tendonitis

A man looking at his shoulder

Below we give some exercises to treat tendonitis in the shoulder. We divide them into 3 groups: the warming up, stretching and strengthening exercises, each with the corresponding indications.

Warm up exercises

Exercise 1

The first exercise you do as part of the warm-up is the pendulum. It consists of bending the body forward and trying to bring the trunk as parallel to the floor as possible.

  • The affected arm, hanging down, should rotate and make short circles.
  • The other arm can rest on the back of a chair or on a railing.

Exercise 2

The following exercise is done standing in an open doorway. Place your hands on the door frame at shoulder height. Then take a small step forward: one foot first, then the other.

  • You should always keep your back straight.
  • Also try not to force the movement of the joint too much.

stretching exercises

Once you’ve fully warmed up, it’s time to continue with the stretching exercises to reduce shoulder tendonitis. Below we explain 4 different exercises.

Exercise 1

For the first stretch, start with a frontal stretch. This exercise consists of the following steps:

  • Bring the hand from the affected arm to the opposite shoulder.
  • Try lifting the elbow slightly, helping yourself with your free hand.
  • Hold this position for about five seconds.

Exercise 2

  • You will then do the supported and increased stretch. While standing, place the hand of the affected arm against the wall, slightly above the shoulder.
  • Then straighten your fingers, move the palm away from the surface and move or drag the fingers up to lift the shoulder.

Exercise 3

The next exercise is best to use an elastic band for rehabilitation, but you can also use an elastic band or a towel if you don’t have one.

  • Place the back of the affected side’s hand on your back.
  • Then put the other hand on your head and hold the elastic band with both hands.
  • Pull gently to lift the lower hand with the upper hand.
  • You can do a variation of this exercise without the towel or band. Just place the hand of the affected arm on your back and try to lift it as high as you can.

Exercise 4

Then complete the stretches with a passive internal rotation. You will need a stick for this exercise, a broomstick is perfect for this.

  • Hold the stick behind your back.
  • Then extend the hand of the sound arm to the side to pull the other hand towards the center of the back.

Strengthening Exercises

Woman with a sore shoulder

Exercise 1

Now it’s time for the strength exercises, starting with an elastic band. Tie it to a door or the stair step. A chair is too light. If you pull on the elastic band you will move the chair instead of training your shoulder.

Stand facing the wall at a distance of three feet and pull the elastic band toward you from the affected shoulder by hand, as if you were rowing.

Exercise 2

Next, it’s time for the 90-degree external rotation with the injured arm. You start in the same position as in the previous exercise.

  • Move the arm outstretched and lift it until the hand is level with your head.
  • Then return the hand to its original position.

Exercise 3

Now let’s move on to the internal rotation exercise with an elastic band.

  • You stand with your affected shoulder facing the wall and then grab the band with that hand.
  • Keep your elbow against your side and tighten the band until you reach the elbow of the other arm with your hand.

Exercise 4

The external rotation exercise with a band is similar to the previous one. The difference is that the unaffected shoulder is the one that faces the wall and therefore the movement will be outward.

Exercise 5

Finish your session with some wall pushups. This is similar to regular push-ups. The difference is that you do them standing up and apply the weight to the wall instead of the ground. This is much less taxing on your shoulder.

Always consult a doctor before doing exercises for shoulder tendonitis

Do not do any of these exercises to reduce shoulder tendonitis without first consulting a doctor. Do not train if they have recommended complete rest and follow the advice carefully.

Finally, these exercises should also be practiced under the supervision of a physiotherapist or orthopedic surgeon, so consult a professional to make sure you are performing the exercises correctly.

You may need further assessment of the problem or surgery if the pain does not go away over time and you are unable to overcome a shoulder tendonitis.

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