Eleven Urgent Signs Of Liver Poisoning

The liver is an important organ in the human body. It is also very sensitive to inflammation, medication, genetic abnormalities, industrial toxins and even certain elements in nature.
Eleven Urgent Signs of Liver Poisoning

The liver is the primary organ responsible for metabolizing nutrients, drugs, and other toxic compounds. This organ can be affected by liver poisoning.

In other words, the liver is a large filter that separates toxic elements. It does this before it reaches the bloodstream and other tissues.

But in some cases, the body cannot process these components properly. As a result, they can damage the liver.

What is liver poisoning?

Hepatotoxicity is the property of some substances, such as drugs, that allows them to damage the liver. Thus, the liver can be damaged when exposed to a drug or to a non-medicinal element.

The liver’s ability to filter components makes this organ vulnerable to toxicity.

Liver poisoning is actually a significant health problem in the United States and in Europe. Moreover, it has become more and more of a problem in recent years. It even causes certain products to be recalled from the market.

These are some substances that are toxic to the liver:

  • A wide variety of medicines (especially antibiotics and anti-inflammatories)
  • Industrial or natural ingredients (such as mushrooms, too much green tea). They cause an abnormal reaction in the body.

What are the symptoms of liver poisoning?

The symptoms are very similar to those of viral hepatitis.

Liver poisoning can actually manifest as any other form of hepatopathy. This includes conditions that prevent the liver from working properly.

Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Jaundice
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Changes in stool color
  • dark urine
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Abdominal pain and bloating
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Itchy Skin
  • bruises

Some people don’t show any symptoms,  but usually the condition can be identified shortly after exposure to certain toxins that are predicted to affect the liver.

In other cases, in other words, if there are unpredictable hepatic toxins, it can take weeks or even months for symptoms to appear.

What Products Are Linked to Liver Poisoning?


The Spanish government’s regulations have drawn up a list of drugs that have been proven to be toxic. This list can help you see if the plant-based medication you are taking could be harmful.

Dietary Supplements and Herbal Supplements

Many people may not realize it, but some herbal remedies pose a risk of liver poisoning. That is why it is not recommended to combine products.

Here are some of the items on the list:

  • Morinda citrifollia ( noni juice)
  • Viscus album  (mistletoe)
  • Valeriana officinalis
  • Cinnamomum camphora  (camphor oil, Vicks VapoRub)
  • aloe vera
  • Glycine max  (soy isoflavones)


Certain mushrooms and molds contain anatoxins. Those are hepatic toxins. In other words, they cause damage to cells and tissues in the liver and kidneys.

They can cause the following symptoms:

  • Stomach ache
  • Vomit
  • Nausea
  • Bleeding

Without proper medical care, these symptoms can naturally lead to a heart attack or even death in two days.

Drugs and Chemical Active Ingredients

This category includes cocaine, ecstasy, pesticides, herbicides, vinyl chloride and contaminated food.

How Is Liver Poisoning Diagnosed?

There are no tests that can conclusively diagnose liver poisoning. Since the symptoms are similar to other liver diseases, certain medical tests will be needed to rule out viral hepatitis and other causes.

Treatment of liver poisoning

Acetylcysteine ​​is a compound that helps to remove the toxins from the liver. In addition, it can also occur in cases of poisoning due to large amounts of acetaminophen. Other than this element, there is no specific treatment or cure for the problem.

It is also essential that the suspected culprit be removed or avoided. Also important is treating the symptoms of liver poisoning, such as vomiting. In addition, the patient should rest and avoid ingredients that aggravate the symptoms.


In general, the symptoms of liver poisoning will usually improve when the toxic ingredient is removed. But if this doesn’t solve the problem, it can lead to irreversible liver failure. Or it can lead to cirrhosis.

As you can see, liver poisoning can be very serious. It is important that the warning signs are identified so that further complications can be avoided. So don’t hesitate if you notice any of these symptoms. Then consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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