Eleven Reasons Why You Need Magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral that provides the body with a variety of benefits. Learn more about these benefits in this article!
Eleven reasons why you need magnesium

Eating magnesium more often can provide many health benefits for both your muscles and your bones. Below we will share with you 11 reasons that clearly explain why you need magnesium.

About fifty percent of all the magnesium present in our body is stored in our bones. This means that it would be very wise to make sure you get the right amount every day. This is because magnesium can be very important for keeping your bones and teeth strong and healthy.

Magnesium is also essential to support a normal heart rhythm on both sides of your heart. Therefore, magnesium may also be an essential ingredient to treat arrhythmias. Learn more about why you need magnesium in the article below!

How can you include magnesium in your diet?

Seawater, leafy vegetables and whole grains are all natural sources of magnesium. For most people, these foods are part of their diet. Other sources of this mineral include:

  • Vegetables (tomatoes, beets, beans, artichokes, sweet potatoes)
  • pumpkin seeds
  • peanuts
  • Wheat or corn flour
  • oat bran
  • Barley
  • Chocolate
  • Dairy products such as yogurt
  • Fish

How do you know if you should include more magnesium in your diet?

Woman eats chocolate

Magnesium deficiencies can typically cause the following symptoms:

  • Neck and back pain
  • Fear
  • Migraine attacks
  • Weak muscles and fatigue
  • spasms
  • Decreased appetite, nausea or vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Abnormal heart rhythm
  • Diarrhea

When you experience a lot of stress, the body usually tends to quickly use up all magnesium reserves. The result of this is that in the case of a magnesium deficiency, people often crave chocolate very much. This is because chocolate is very rich in this mineral.

Remember that a magnesium deficiency can also be the symptom of other more complex health problems. These include problems such as diabetes, depression and menopause.

Reasons why you need magnesium

May Help Reduce Asthma Attacks

Asthma attack

Magnesium supplements can be very useful for controlling chronic asthma attacks. This is because this mineral can escape the bronchial muscles and regulate your breathing. Although this will not be a permanent solution, eating enough magnesium can be a good addition to medical treatment.

Healthy bones

By including magnesium in your diet, you help your body balance calcium, vitamin D, copper and zinc. This all means that the risk of osteoporosis can become a lot smaller later in life.

It is wise to consume foods rich in vitamin D, calcium and magnesium. This is especially true if you have already started experiencing bone pain.

Helping your pregnancy go as smoothly as possible

Pregnant women

If you want to make sure you have a healthy pregnancy, it’s a good idea to keep your magnesium levels stable. This is because it can help you manage pain better. It can also help prevent problems such as preeclampsia if you suffer from high blood pressure.

Help to reduce pain and cramps in your shoulders

Magnesium can help relax the muscles in your back. This can make you feel a lot better when you suffer from stress or tension around your kidneys.

This is because you can often notice from the kidneys that you suffer from a deficiency of this mineral. You may be able to prevent cramps by making sure you get enough magnesium.

Help prevent heart attacks


Since this mineral can protect your heart from arrhythmia, it can also help prevent potential damage. Magnesium is therefore especially useful to possibly prevent damage caused by tension in the muscles.

When the tension in your muscles is caused by too much stress, problems can arise throughout your cardiovascular system.

Help regulate your bowel movements

By taking a high dose of water-soluble magnesium supplements, you may soon have a lot less trouble with constipation. This is because it can cause your intestinal muscles to relax. As a result, it can have a mild laxative effect.

May help prevent diabetes and regulate your blood sugar levels

Blood sugar level

This mineral can make insulin respond better to your blood sugar levels. Plus, it can help keep your blood pressure stable.

This makes magnesium supplements essential for people who suffer from diabetes. However, remember to consult your doctor before deciding to take this supplement.

Help to promote the absorption of other minerals

Magnesium can help your body better absorb essential vitamins and minerals. These are minerals such as calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

Migraine Supportive Medicine

Magnesium for migraines

A lot of people suffer from migraines. Women in particular often suffer from this. By including more magnesium in your diet, you may be able to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks and make the attacks less severe.

Help boost your collagen production

Magnesium is very important when it comes to creating proteins that are slowly converted into collagen. Collagen can be found in fibrous tissues, such as tendons, ligaments and your skin.

It is also present in the cornea, bones, the intestines, cartilage, blood vessels and vertebrae. This means that the more collagen there is in your body, the stronger these parts of your body can be.

Enzymes help activate

This mineral is very helpful in potentially giving your body more energy. At the same time, it can also help promote the activation of enzymes your body uses to create cellular energy.

Why you need magnesium

You should now know why you need magnesium. After reading this article, you’re probably tempted to rush out the door to buy a magnesium supplement. However, talk to your doctor about this first.

Remember that there is no need to take extra magnesium if you are already getting enough magnesium through your diet.  Moreover, natural magnesium obtained from food is always better than a supplement.

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