Dieting: Get Rid Of Your Food Addiction First

One of the hardest things about starting a diet is giving up certain foods. Sticking to a diet is especially difficult in the beginning.
On a diet: get rid of your food addiction first

In this article, we’ll discuss some methods of getting rid of your food addiction so you can start dieting.

Do not follow ‘miracle diets’

Low-carb diets

These types of diets promise extraordinary results in a short time and with very little effort. They are common during the early summer to get the infamous “bikini body.” Of course, most of the advice that comes from these diets is not true. They are even harmful to your health.

Examples of miracle diets:

  • The Hay Diet: Published in the 1920s, this diet advises against combining protein and carbohydrates in a single meal. That would be harmful. This is an example of information that is not true, but has no harmful consequences.
  • The Atkins Diet: This diet aims to minimize the consumption of carbohydrates from grains, milk, legumes, and sugar products.

Although a healthy diet should not contain too many carbohydrates, they are essential nutrients. These should not be completely eliminated from your diet.

  • The Dukan Diet: This is a diet based on protein from foods such as meat, fish and eggs. It is very unbalanced and can cause serious health problems.

In general, ‘miracle diets’ cause the body to store large amounts of fat when you change your diet and this is accompanied by the ‘yo-yo effect’. This is your body’s way of compensating for the food deficiency it experiences while dieting.

Don’t skip breakfast

Fruit and grains and a smoothie

Skipping breakfast is a common mistake many people make when dieting. If you want to lose weight and monitor your diet, it’s important not to skip the first meal of the day.

Otherwise, the only result you will get is a huge appetite and a craving for food before lunch. This makes it more difficult to control your food consumption.

  • Therefore, instead of skipping or reducing breakfast, it is better to replace saturated fats such as butter and pastries with fruit or grains.
  • Doing so will help you adopt a more balanced and nutritious diet.

Eat five meals a day to get rid of your food addiction

It’s especially hard to get over your food addiction when you’re hungry. Therefore , it is better to eat several meals during the day, three main meals and two smaller meals.

This will spread out your meals more throughout the day, which in turn reduces hunger and cravings between meals. To get the best results, it’s best to adjust your schedule so that you can eat five meals.

Meals and snacks

Don’t ban yourself from certain foods

Cutting out certain foods from your diet  will only make you obsessed. You should not exclude anything from your diet unless you are vegetarian or vegan or do not eat certain foods for medical and ethical reasons.

You should reduce your consumption of unhealthy products such as candy, chocolate, ice cream, sweets, etc. A good way to eat that particular food that you’re trying to eat less of is to eat it on a specific day of the week. You can see it as a reward for your efforts throughout the week.

Eat at the table, with food on a plate and eat slowly

When you sit at a table with a plate of food, you can keep track of how much you eat. Serving food on a plate will help you estimate portions. This way you know whether you are eating too much or too little.

At the same time, you can  eat slowly while sitting, which makes you feel full faster. Eating too quickly can cause you to overeat. If you are someone who is very hungry for lunch, this step can help you control your diet. This will also make it easier for you to get rid of your food addiction.

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