Characteristics And Risks Of Kombucha Tea

Kombucha tea is a drink made from tea that has been fermented by a colony of bacteria and fungi. Many properties are attributed to it, but it is important to know what side effects it can have.
Characteristics and Risks of Kombucha Tea

Kombucha tea is gaining popularity around the world for its many health benefits. However, despite its many benefits, you should also know the risks of kombucha tea.

The microorganisms responsible for fermenting the sugary tea to produce this drink are called ‘kombucha mushrooms’ (Spanish link).

At the beginning of the fermentation process, different types of microbes participate. Over time, however, only the microbes that make up the jelly-like body that characterize the kombucha survive. The rest die from the high acidity and the antibiotic substances secreted in the tea.

The taste of kombucha tea depends on the fermentation time. It is therefore softer and sweeter when it ferments for less time and gradually acquires a more intense and sour taste.

Nutritional Features

Risks Of Kombucha Tea

The taste of kombucha tea depends on the fermentation time and softens the shorter you let it sit. Kombucha tea has the following nutritional benefits:

  • The tea is rich in vitamins and minerals that are necessary for important biochemical processes that take place in our body. These include vitamins B and C, iron, zinc, copper and manganese.
  • It contains a variable amount of antioxidants from the black tea people use to make kombucha tea. The amount depends on the fermentation time.
  • It has a high content of micro-organisms which gives it a powerful probiotic effect.

The benefits of kombucha tea

The lack of studies regarding this drink means we cannot confirm that the benefits traditionally attributed to it are true. However, the antioxidants and microorganisms present in it may be related to an improvement in digestion.

People also claim that this tea has beneficial properties for cardiovascular health, liver functions and stress. We should also remember that this drink is made of tea, usually green or black. It therefore also has the following advantages:

  • Helps with concentration problems.
  • Diuretic effect.
  • Purifying effect.
  • Stimulating effect.
  • astringent properties.

Kombucha Tea Side Effects

Contagion risk

Woman sitting with stomachache on the couch

One of the risks associated with kombucha tea is contamination by microorganisms from the fermentation process. The greatest risks of kombucha tea are related to microbial contamination if you don’t make it according to a set of specific hygiene measures.

During fermentation, kombucha tea can be exposed to numerous bacteria and yeasts that are harmful to your health. If you don’t let it ferment long enough, the drink won’t get enough acidity and alcohol to eliminate these microorganisms.

Samples contaminated with Aspergillus fungus, which produces liver-damaging toxins, are often detected, as is contamination by bacteria of the genus Helicobacter pylori or Salmonella. We therefore do not recommend this drink for people with bowel or liver disease.

We also do not recommend it for people with immunosuppression or for people who are deficient in immune system function. Pregnant women, women who are breast-feeding, children under 5 years of age, patients with HIV or any other infection should not drink kombucha.

Excessive consumption of kombucha tea

Even if you don’t belong to one of the previous groups, you should drink it in moderation as it can cause too many digestive problems.

We should also note that it is a drink with a high alcohol and sugar content. You should therefore monitor the rest of your diet to ensure that you do not exceed the maximum recommended levels for those substances.

Industrial Kombucha Tea

You can also buy industrially manufactured kombucha tea. In this case, they sterilize the drink, but it loses its probiotic effect, resulting in a drink with little nutritional value.

In summary , this drink can be beneficial if you consume it in moderation. However, drinking it does not guarantee short-term or long-term benefits beyond the benefits that the tea itself produces.

Some people even think it’s healthier to drink only black or green tea. This is because it contains no alcohol or microorganisms that can upset your stomach. Keep this in mind when drinking kombucha in the future.

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