Build Muscle And Burn Fat With These Tips

While it may not seem like a big deal, getting a good night’s sleep is essential to promote the recovery and regeneration of the muscle fibers damaged during exercise.
Build muscle mass and burn fat with these tips

Until a few years ago, weight loss focused on diet plans and exercises to burn fat, rather than building muscle mass. For a long time, low-calorie diets and aerobics were the main ways to fight obesity. While these are still options for weight loss, today more and more people prefer plans and exercises that build muscle mass. 

Because these plans will not only help you get a slimmer figure, but also increase your muscles and get stronger.

However, this is a long and arduous process, requiring a little more effort and constant work.

Although some people see results faster and easier in general, depending on your genes, it is necessary to make certain changes in your lifestyle to achieve this goal.

For this reason, in this article we share 5 tips that will help you not to fail.

Put them into practice!

1. Build muscle by doing aerobics and anaerobics

Build muscle mass by lifting weight

Combining aerobics and anaerobic exercises significantly contributes to increasing your muscle mass while also reducing your body fat percentage.

  • To burn fat effectively, you need to perform low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise for long periods of time.
  • However, anaerobic activities should be more intense and shorter in duration, with a greater focus on muscle work.
  • Anaerobic exercises continue to have an effect after training, among other things, so that the body can burn fat for up to 24 hours longer.
  • The result of this combination is without a doubt a slimmer and toned figure.


  • A cardio workout should not last more than twenty minutes to avoid the effects of excessive physical training.
  • Anaerobic exercises should be performed according to your physical ability. Building muscle mass is something that is achieved in stages. So it is not good to speed up the process.
  • Lifting weights when you are not strong enough can cause injury and lead to failure.

2. Increase your protein intake

A diet that contributes to building muscle mass requires many essential nutrients. One of the most important of these that we would like to highlight is protein. Proteins play a key role in building muscle mass and strengthening the muscles.

  • Proteins provide the body with the amino acids that support muscle formation.
  • Eating enough protein after exercise will help repair damaged muscle fibers.
  • Proteins are an important source of energy, which also helps to keep your sports performance high.


While you can also get protein in the form of supplements, it’s best to get it primarily from foods such as:

  • Fish and seafood
  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Seeds and nuts
  • legumes
  • Vegetables
  • Eggs

3. Eat enough carbohydrates

Build muscle mass by eating enough carbohydrates

When it comes to weight loss, many people still think that it is better not to eat carbohydrates. For years, carbohydrates suffered from a bad reputation and most diets recommended avoiding them.

Contrary to popular belief, however, the body needs carbohydrates to both lose weight and build muscle mass.

  • The most important thing is to choose carbohydrates that not only provide the body with energy, but also support the metabolism and ensure that proteins penetrate better into the muscles.


Try to completely avoid carbohydrates from refined foods and instead get carbohydrates from:

  • Oats
  • Rice
  • Wholewheat bread and wholewheat pasta
  • potatoes
  • beans
  • Quinoa

4. Make sure you sleep well

Building muscle mass and poor sleep do not go together. Poor sleep quality can have a negative impact on the recovery and regeneration process of the muscle fibers that are damaged during training.

So to ensure that you do not experience unnecessary delays and to keep your muscles and metabolism healthy, it is necessary to attach great importance to your night’s sleep.


  • Sleep seven to eight hours a day without interruption, no matter what time you train.
  • Don’t eat heavy foods that contain a lot of calories before going to sleep and preferably also with dinner.

5. Eat five meals a day

Build muscle mass by eating five meals a day

Both to burn fat and to build muscle mass, it is better to eat five moderate meals a day instead of three large main meals.

This helps to keep your metabolism active. As a result, your body continues to use energy. And this makes it less likely to store fat.


  • Eat five meals a day in small portions. Base your meals on healthy foods that aren’t too high in calories.
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables and nuts or dried fruit as snacks when you are feeling nervous.

Is building muscle mass one of your main goals? Then keep in mind that in order to see results, you  need to come up with a plan that will help you lose accumulated fat as effectively as possible.

Follow all of the above recommendations and if possible consult a personal trainer to find out the best plan for you based on your abilities and needs.

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