A Good Breakfast; The Facts At A Glance

Did you know that your breakfast should be the same as other meals, with variety and different food groups? Try to include protein, fiber and vitamins in your breakfast.
A good breakfast;  the facts at a glance

Breakfast is one of the three main meals of the day. While most people prefer to skip this, this start to the day is essential. This will help you start the day in a productive and happy way. 

A good breakfast provides your body with the energy it lost during the night. At the same time, the body then receives the nutrients it needs to function properly.

It is said that the first meal of the day is a decisive factor in getting your metabolism going. In addition, it would improve your physical and intellectual performance.

Yet there are still plenty of people who go out in the morning with an empty stomach. That is why it is also essential to know what breakfast can do for your body. And also how you can put together a good and tasty breakfast and why it is so important to do it every day.

In this article we share the 7 facts for a good breakfast!

1. Obesity Prevention

Woman with scales

People who have a habit of eating a good breakfast often have less appetite during the day than people who skip it. In addition, the risk of obesity or overweight is greater if you have a habit of eating little or no breakfast.

This is because the nutrients you get early in the morning are important to keep your metabolism active. And that is the determining factor to burn calories.

Moreover, it ensures that you do not feel the need to snack between your meals.  This way you don’t eat unnecessary calories, fats and carbohydrates.

2. Breakfast should be varied

Nutritionists warn that your breakfast should not become too monotonous. But this doesn’t mean you have to prepare a whole meal for it every day.

Many people tend to vary their lunch and dinner, but for their morning meal they eat the same thing every day.  This decreases the nutritional value and this is sometimes the reason why people skip it.

It would be best if your breakfast consisted of several sources of:

  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Omega 3 fatty acids

3. Spend at least twenty minutes on it

Pair with breakfast

Eating in a rush is something that can have a very negative impact on your breakfast; at every meal actually. A cup of coffee with a sandwich while rushing out the door is not a full-fledged breakfast.

The goal is to put together a nutritious meal and then set aside twenty or thirty minutes to eat it.

Rushing doesn’t just make you more likely to choose unhealthy things. But it can also cause digestive problems.

4. You can also split it in half

The first meal of the day should make up about twenty-five percent of your daily calorie intake. You don’t have to eat it all at once, though.

You can also divide your breakfast into two meals. For example, you eat one part at home and the second part a few hours later at work.

In this case, it is important that your first meal is larger than the second.  The second meal should contain about ten percent of your daily calorie intake.

5. Breakfast helps to deal with stress

good breakfast woman with stress

A bad breakfast can put you in a bad mood and stress for the rest of the day. And most people don’t realize this. Not eating for too long will lower your blood glucose level, which is your body’s primary source of fuel.

As a result, you may have less energy physically. You may also be irritable or sensitive to concentration and emotional problems.

Your body will look for other sources of energy and when it finds them, it triggers a range of symptoms that can negatively affect your quality of life.

6. It should be one of the first things you do in the morning

Eating breakfast too late can lead to stomach upset and other digestive problems.

The longer you wait to eat breakfast after you wake up, the bigger your appetite will become and the more stomach acid your body will produce. That’s why it’s best to eat something within an hour of getting up.

If you find it difficult to eat breakfast so early, try to gradually get your body used to it.

7. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Toast and egg

It has been proven several times that a balanced, nutritious breakfast can significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Not making time for a good breakfast can lead to problems with blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

In short, it’s essential to ditch all your excuses for not having a good breakfast every morning. Breakfast is an indispensable meal for your body!

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