Rhubarb For A Healthy Thyroid

A healthy thyroid is fundamental to your body’s overall well-being, as thyroid hormones are important for multiple processes in your body. The many benefits of rhubarb can help keep your thyroid healthy. 
Rhubarb for a healthy thyroid

In this article we tell you why eating rhubarb is good for maintaining a healthy thyroid. However, let’s start with some background information about the thyroid.

The thyroid gland is located near your windpipe, just above your collarbone. It is  an endocrine gland that is extremely important for your body. It secretes different types of hormones, such as thyroxine.

Thyroid hormones are essential for your body to function properly. They are involved in many body processes. They affect, among other things:

  • The body growth.
  • The development of the nervous system.
  • The metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

It is for this reason that doctors often check your thyroid first when you come by with a complaint. A thyroid disease or an abnormality of your thyroid gland has a major impact on your daily life. The most common symptoms of thyroid problems are  sudden mood swings and fluctuations in body weight.

The thyroid gland has a lot of influence on our body. It is therefore very important to take good care of it. In this article we would like to tell you why you should eat rhubarb regularly for a healthy thyroid.

Is the thyroid really that important?

As we mentioned above, the thyroid gland is essential for a well-functioning body. But what exactly does he influence? The thyroid gland affects both the body and the mind.

When this organ does not function properly, it can have all kinds of consequences. Think of fluctuations in body weight and mood swings, and sometimes even anatomical changes (such as goiter).

The hormones secreted by the thyroid gland regulate metabolism and the nervous system. Problems with the thyroid gland often result in  irritability, concentration problems, fatigue and depression. Ultimately, this will negatively affect the quality of one’s life.

Common Symptoms of Thyroid Problems

The thyroid

The following six symptoms are most common when there is a thyroid problem:

  • Sudden fluctuations in body weight.
  • Periodic cramps.
  • Mood swings for no apparent reason (e.g. lethargy, gloom, etc.).
  • Hair loss, weak nails or color change of the hair or nails.
  • Being abnormally cold or hot.
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle.

Diseases that affect the thyroid gland

  • Hyperthyroidism : The thyroid gland produces too much of the thyroid hormone.
  • Hypothyroidism : In this case, the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones for the body.
  • Goiter:  An abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland.
  • cancer.
  • nodules.
  • Thyroiditis.

The diagnosis of these types of thyroid disorders should be made by a doctor or specialist. The doctor will perform a physical exam and some tests to make the diagnosis. He then prescribes the appropriate treatment. Possible follow-up treatments are:

  • Performing a biopsy.
  • Following a specific therapy.
  • Undergoing surgery.
  • Undergoing radioactive iodine treatment.

Rhubarb for a healthy thyroid

Rhubarb is an edible plant with medicinal properties. You can prepare it in different ways: as an ingredient in desserts, for example, or as a side dish for meat and fish. You can steam it or bake it.

The stem and roots of this plant are packed with minerals and vitamins. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cleansing and detoxifying properties and help against constipation. In this article, we’ll discuss why eating rhubarb helps maintain a healthy thyroid.

Goiter and an inflamed thyroid

Rhubarb contains a high concentration of emodin. This is a natural substance with laxative and anti-inflammatory properties. Do you notice that your thyroid has enlarged (goiter) or is inflamed? Start by eating rhubarb more often. In addition, always go to a doctor or specialist for an official diagnosis!

A source of vitamins

The thyroid functions best when it has absorbed sufficient minerals and vitamins. By including rhubarb in your diet, you get all the nutrients and vitamins necessary for a healthy thyroid. Rhubarb is full of good nutrients. We list the most important below:

  • Vitamins : A, C, K, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9.
  • Minerals : phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, selenium, zinc, potassium and sodium.


Due to environmental pollution, bad habits and wrong diet, different kinds of heavy metals and toxins continuously enter our body.

This is harmful to the thyroid gland and as a result also harmful to the metabolism and other bodily functions. To prevent this kind of serious damage, it is good to ‘clean’ your thyroid.

Rhubarb has cleansing and detoxifying properties. In combination with its fibrous structure, it is,  as it were, a natural cleansing agent for the thyroid gland.

In addition, the root of the rhubarb plant contains a high concentration of tannins. Tannins help to purify toxins and excrete free radicals from the body. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Rhubarb may prevent thyroid cancer

Rhubarb may be able to help eliminate free radicals. This reduces the damage that these free radicals inflict on cell tissue. Since that damage can lead to cancer, it’s possible that rhubarb helps prevent thyroid cancer.

As you can clearly see, rhubarb is a great food item to add to your diet. Not only does it provide health benefits to your thyroid, but it’s good for your entire body. Finally, remember that a healthy thyroid is the foundation of a healthy body.

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