Why A Ketogenic Diet Is Good For You

At first glance, it may seem difficult to get your body used to a ketogenic diet during those first few weeks. Later, however, the situation will stabilize and you will experience the benefits.
Why a ketogenic diet is good for you

Have you heard people talk about a ketogenic diet lately? If not, or if you have any questions about why it’s good for you, read on. You’ll learn – and probably find it quite interesting – how this can help you get healthier and reach your desired weight.

How does a ketogenic diet work?

A ketogenic diet ensures that the liver produces enough ketones that they can be used as an energy source. This metabolic state is also known as ketosis.

Normally, your body uses sugars as an energy source. However, this can cause glucose spikes if you have unhealthy habits or eat too many carbohydrates. The right way to achieve ketosis is by eating foods high in good animal and vegetable proteins and fats.

1. A ketogenic diet reduces excess body fat

You lose fat with a ketogenic diet

A ketogenic diet uses protein and fat as an energy source instead of storing the fat in your body. So the fat reserves you already have will be used up and you will lose weight.

Follow this diet in combination with sports to tighten your muscles and get rid of fat rolls.
Consult a nutritionist before starting this diet. This expert can teach you what types of protein and fat to eat and how much.

2. It stabilizes your insulin levels

Avoiding carbohydrates lowers your blood sugar. This reduces insulin resistance and lowers your risk of type 2 diabetes. Consider a ketogenic diet if your doctor has told you that you have prediabetes or metabolic syndrome.

3. It becomes easier to lose weight

Losing weight is also easier

A ketogenic diet is excellent for weight loss. It reduces your hunger and curbs your craving for food. In addition, your body will become less dependent on glucose for energy. This is because you will consume more healthy fats and proteins. This makes you feel fuller with fewer calories.

Only when your body can no longer find carbohydrates will it switch to fat burning. With a ketogenic diet, overweight people can therefore lose weight much faster without the risk of losing muscle mass. Remember: Even after you have reached your weight goal, it is important to maintain good eating habits.

4. A ketogenic diet is good for your blood

Since it means you will consume fewer carbohydrates, a ketogenic diet will help you balance your triglyceride levels. This also increases the HDL level in your blood – also known as good cholesterol. This translates into:

  • First, a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Secondly, a reduced risk of arteriosclerosis.
  • Third, normalize blood pressure.

Do you want to amplify these effects? Then only eat lean meats and make sure your oil and fat sources are of good quality.

5. You feel full with less food

You also feel satiated faster

Are you following a ketogenic diet and are you getting more protein as recommended? Then you will feel fuller for longer with less food. It is therefore perfect for when you want to lose weight.

Side Effects of a Ketogenic Diet

Like any other diet, a ketogenic diet has side effects that you should consider. We discuss these effects below.

An overall feeling

A bad feeling can be a side effect

Your body will have to get used to using ketones instead of sugars. The first weeks can therefore be tough. You can all experience the following complaints:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • A light-headed feeling

This is also because your glucose levels need to get back into balance. Especially if you have diabetes. So make sure you discuss all questions with your doctor and nutritionist. If you have diabetes, you should also continuously monitor your blood sugar levels.


People who start a ketogenic diet sometimes forget to eat enough vegetables. If you are such a person, you probably sometimes have trouble going to the bathroom.

The most effective way to prevent or treat constipation is to drink plenty of water every day. In addition, be sure to increase your intake of fiber-rich foods.


You can also get tired faster

With this diet, your body gets less energy in the form of glucose. So it makes sense that it will take time to get used to burning fat instead of glucose. This learning process can cause fatigue or make you feel like you have no energy all the time.

Do you move a lot? Then try to lower your training intensity in the first weeks of this diet. Train with a partner who will make sure you’re okay as your body adjusts.

Are you excited to try the ketogenic diet now? Or are you already following it? Let us know what you think!

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