If You Feel Like You Love Your Partner More Than The Other Way Around

Have you ever thought that you love your partner more than he/she loves you? How did that feel? It’s a normal situation that you don’t have to worry about. When you’re together, why worry and create a problem based on your own insecurities?
If you feel like you love your partner more than the other way around

At times, it happens that a person feels that he or she cares more than the partner in the relationship.

What is an ‘I love you much more than you love me’ worth? Love should be balanced, but as you probably know, it isn’t always that way.

The person who loves more is more at risk of being hurt. If this is you, you become aware of the fact that your love is not returned on the same level. This hurts and makes you question your relationship.

It’s normal to hear a couple making fun of each other and saying things like “I love you more” and “No, I love YOU more”. When will those jokes become reality?

It may seem like a minor issue, but for many, it’s not hard to feel offended when you’re the one giving more. Unfortunately, it is a reality that we have to accept. Because since when are things always equal in relationships?

I love you more and this makes me doubt myself


Some people like to be the one who loves their partner more and gives them everything.

Perhaps the competitiveness that permeates other parts of your life has managed to find its way into this part as well. The point is , it’s not a competition.

Often times, you start to wonder how much your partner loves you. If you become too obsessed with it, you may start to see signs of “lack of love” when that’s just your imagination.

It is important not to become obsessed. Accepting the situation will help you accept your partner as well.  Remember that you love him/her for his/her perfection as well as imperfections. Both belong to your partner.

If this proves difficult for you, take  a different look at your relationship. Think about your previous relationships you’ve had or the relationships that could have developed. Do you think you will always be the one who gives the most? You probably realize that the answer to that question is no. Every relationship is unique and different.

Communicate with your partner what you feel

Kiss on the cheek

If you don’t feel good about that “I love you more than you love me”, it’s a good idea that you communicate about it. The other person probably doesn’t know how you feel or how you see the situation and can probably help you see things through a different lens.

Keeping it to yourself can undermine your relationship. You may feel upset because you don’t receive the same love or because you realize it’s not fair… However, where you’re actually going wrong is in communication.

Expressing your feelings will make you realize that you may be overreacting. The longer you hold back on what you actually have to say, the more worried you will be and the greater your insecurities will become.

Also consider the fact that if you are able to communicate with your partner about something as profound as this, he/she may receive it with gratitude and everything within his/her ability will work so that you does not question his/her love.

However, it is better not to count on this reaction. It may not turn out that way, but know that communication is key in any relationship.

Be careful with space


Space is very important. You may get the misconception that “I love you” means “I own you”, “I keep you to myself” or “We do everything together”. This can wear down and eventually destroy the relationship.

Since you think you are the one who loves more, you probably want to be with your partner all the time. That way, you’ll be ready for all those “love tests” that can clear your doubts.

However, you may get the opposite of what you want. Your partner is secluded and feels overwhelmed, will seek his/her own space. And these ‘tests’ don’t turn out the way you hoped.

Do you keep wondering why he/she hasn’t called? Why do you think he/she is avoiding you? Be careful or you will become dependent and controlling. Everyone needs their own space to breathe.

Have you ever thought that you love your partner more than the other way around? How did that feel? It’s a normal situation that you really shouldn’t worry too much about. If you are happy together, why worry and create a problem based on your own insecurities? 

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