Eight Habits That Are Bad For Facial Skin

You probably want to avoid bad facial skin at all times. We help you with that.
Eight Habits That Are Bad for Facial Skin

Even though you may be completely exhausted when you get home at night, it is imperative to force yourself to remove your makeup and apply a good cream before going to sleep. If you don’t do this, sooner or later the consequences will become painfully clear and visible on your facial skin.

Your sensitive facial skin needs the right care from an early age to counteract the negative influence of free radicals and other factors.

Today there are several ways to nourish and regenerate your skin.

This way your skin stays firm and radiant for longer.

  • However, beauty products alone are not enough to take good care of your face.
  • This part of your skin is largely influenced by daily habits.

You may be trying to ignore it.

But there are a series of daily habits that can seriously damage and alter facial skin.  That’s why we’re sharing eight of these bad habits in this article. So from now on you can take it into account. Better yet, just unlearn them!

Don’t damage your facial skin

1. Do not use sunscreen


To keep your skin healthy and beautiful, it is important to use a day cream that protects your skin from the sun at the same time, even if it is not sunny that day. These types of creams can protect the skin against damage and sunburn.

Going outside without protecting your skin from the sun can seriously damage the skin on a cellular level and this type of damage is very difficult to repair. In addition, this habit speeds up the aging process and can even cause skin cancer over time.

2. Smoking

Women who smoke should not be surprised to find that they begin to experience blemishes, freckles, dark circles under their eyes and other unappealing changes on their face.

The nicotine contained in cigarettes causes the blood vessels in the top layers of the skin to constrict, making these blood vessels less able to transport oxygen and other nutrients needed to keep the skin healthy and beautiful.

3. Drinking too much alcohol

When alcohol enters the bloodstream causing poisoning and dehydration, it will show on the skin. People who regularly drink a lot of alcohol often suffer from impurities and wrinkles at a young age and can even suffer from small, red veins in their face.

4. Not coping well with pimples


The hormonal changes that women are exposed to throughout their lives make them more prone to developing acne at different stages of their lives.

One of the most common mistakes is squeezing pimples with your fingernails. Or by using commercial creams that are full of chemicals.  Squeezing pimples can damage the skin and cause scarring, while creams can be very aggressive on facial skin.

If you suffer from acne, it is wise to clean your skin well with a facial cleanser or a mild exfoliant. Supplement the use of these products with a product made to combat acne.

5. Go to bed with your makeup on

Never do this again from now on! This is one of the worst habits you can have when it comes to your facial skin. While sleeping, your skin cells must be able to receive enough oxygen to repair and regenerate the skin. When you go to bed with these chemicals still on your face, your pores will clog, preventing the cells in your skin from doing their jobs properly.

Are you really tired when you come home at night? Then gather the strength to clean your face before closing your eyes.

6. Showering with hot water

Using hot water to wash your face or body is not the smartest thing you can do to maintain beautiful skin. Washing your skin too often with hot water will lose the natural oils on your skin, leaving your skin dry and less firm.

7. Not sleeping well

Bad sleeping

Few women know how important good quality sleep is for healthy, clear skin. While you sleep, your stress level is brought back into balance. As a result, your skin cells get the chance to repair your skin.

People who sleep six hours or less per night have a higher chance of premature skin aging, dark circles under their eyes and a dull appearance.

8. Using too many products at once

There are many different beauty products for the skin, all of which serve a different purpose. It is therefore not wise to apply all these products on top of each other on your face. After all, you must first give your face the chance to properly absorb the previous product.

On these sensitive areas of your skin, there is a good chance that the ingredients in these products interact and can cause irritations, allergic reactions and other problems.

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