Treat Constipation With This Natural Remedy With Linseed

Instead of using chemical laxatives, you can include flaxseed in your diet. You then get a lot of fiber that helps you optimize intestinal transit and fight constipation.
Treat Constipation With This Natural Flaxseed Remedy

Constipation is a health problem that is more important than you might think. Keep in mind that if your body doesn’t cleanse itself properly,  you could end up suffering from chronic and degenerative diseases. That is why you should ensure that you have a good bowel movement as soon as possible. You can do this with a healthy diet or, for example, with a natural remedy with linseed. 

In this article you will discover how to treat constipation with a natural remedy containing flaxseed. This seed  will help you to ease defecation and regulate bowel function, whatever your particular problem.

Try it and you will notice the positive effects within a week.

Constipation Risks

Treat Constipation With This Natural Flaxseed Remedy

Constipation is a bowel problem that causes problems when it’s time to defecate. As a result, stools are scarce or hard. There are factors that influence this. For example, think of stress or a sedentary lifestyle.

The main problem is a diet that is usually low in fiber and rich in refined or processed foods.

In addition to being irritating and worrisome, suffering from it on a regular basis can cause serious long-term health problems. Examples of this are:

  • swollen belly
  • Diaphragmatic hernia
  • Headache
  • Hemorrhoids
  • anal fissures
  • Fecaloma (accumulated and compressed feces in the gut)
  • Ischemic Colitis
  • diverticulitis
  • stomach cancer
  • colon cancer

In addition, constipation can make the absorption of nutrients more difficult. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies despite following a balanced diet. On the other hand, the bacterial flora is related to the immune system. This means that a gut that is not working properly causes a weak immune defense.

How do I treat it?

The problem of laxatives

The problem of laxatives

Laxatives are a quick and effective solution for many people who suffer from constipation.

The problem is that the majority of both chemical and natural laxatives cause irritation in your gut and damage the bacterial flora. This makes the problem worse in the long run.

An irritating laxative can be used for a one-time problem. However, you should not use it as your usual remedy to help with bowel movements. The key to solving this problem is a proper diet and the use of natural remedies. These will not irritate your intestines, but they will help you to have a bowel movement.

A good diet

For better bowel function, your diet must be healthy and balanced. It should contain the following foods in the right amounts:

  • Fruit and vegetables, raw and cooked
  • Whole grains such as rice, oats, millet or quinoa
  • legumes
  • nuts
  • Seeds
  • mushrooms
  • Seaweed

As you improve your diet and start consuming more of these foods, keep in mind that you’re getting a lot more fiber. That is why you should also increase your water intake at the same time. If you don’t, the blockage will get worse.

  • You should drink 2 liters of water (6-8 glasses) per day, between meals.

Remedy with linseed

A natural remedy with linseed


To prepare this remedy you only need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon linseed, golden or brown (10 gr.)
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)

Note: It is important that to be effective the seeds for this remedy must be raw and whole. The ground seeds are also healthy but they don’t help with constipation as well as the whole ones.

Also keep the seeds away from light and heat to prevent oxidation.

How do I make it?

To follow this natural remedy with flaxseeds, you should go through the following steps every day:

  • The night before, before going to bed, put the seeds in a glass of water.
  • At night, the linseeds will release mucilage, a fiber that looks slimy.
  • When you wake up in the morning, drink the water with the seeds.
  • Do this before eating, at least half an hour before your first meal.
  • During the day you should drink a lot of water between meals, as we mentioned before. This is to promote intestinal transit.

If you want to make the treatment more powerful, you can add three prunes to the water.

This dried fruit is very rich in fiber. Also, it acts as an excellent remedy for bowel movement. In addition, it also contains many minerals that help strengthen your teeth and bones.

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