Natural Remedies For Hair Loss

It is estimated that you can lose up to 100 hairs per day without it being caused by an abnormal form of hair loss.
Natural remedies for hair loss

However, if this number is exceeded and you notice that your hair is falling out while showering, brushing and you find hairs on your clothes and other places, then you should be aware that you may have an early problem. with baldness. You can then look for natural remedies against hair loss.

There are many reasons why a person can experience hair loss  and it almost always requires heavy treatments to get this problem under control.

Fortunately, today there are plenty of natural remedies for hair loss and to promote the growth of new hair. Keep reading to discover which natural remedies can help with hair loss!

Why is her falling out?

Excessive hair loss can have multiple causes, such as:

  • Anemia
  • stress
  • Skin or thyroid disease
  • Poor nutrition
  • Circulatory problems
  • Heredity
  • Medical treatments or chemotherapy
  • Hormonal changes
  • The use of aggressive chemicals
  • Excessive sun exposure

In most cases, it is important to determine the cause of the problem in order to determine how best to treat the hair loss.

In general, however, there are a number of natural remedies to treat hair loss that will counteract the problem and ensure that your hair becomes strong and full again. Are you ready to learn more?

Natural remedies for hair loss

Castor oil

Castor oil

Thanks to the active ingredients it contains, this product has been used for years to provide moisture and strength to the hair.  At first, castor oil was used to make lashes longer and fuller, but then it was discovered that it can actually be helpful for all the hair on your body.

How do you use castor oil?

  • First, put a few drops of castor oil in the palm of your hand.
  • Then distribute this over your hair and scalp by gently massaging the scalp.
  • Repeat this treatment every day, preferably at bedtime.

Egg yolks and beer


Egg yolks have been used for centuries as an ingredient in various hair and beauty treatments thanks to their regenerative and nourishing properties. At the same time, beer and yeast are increasingly becoming known as good allies in the fight against hair loss.

So when you combine these two ingredients, you get one of the most powerful natural remedies against hair loss, which also makes your hair strong and shiny.


  • 3 egg yolks
  • 250 ml beer

How do you use this medicine?

  • First, mix both ingredients together in a bowl.
  • Then massage the mixture onto the scalp in circular motions.
  • Then let the mixture do its work for half an hour.
  • Then rinse it out.

Rum and onion


Onion juice is one of the most popular natural remedies for hair loss and for improving the general health of the hair. When you mix this juice with a little rum, the properties become even more potent and it will deliver even better results.


  • 250 ml rum
  • 1 onion

How do you use this medicine?

  • First cut the onion into cubes and mix the cubes with the rum.
  • Then let the two ingredients work together for at least a day.
  • When this time is up, you can massage the mixture into the scalp.

aloe vera

aloe vera

The gel from the aloe vera plant contains ingredients that moisturize the scalp and stimulate hair growth while preventing hair loss.  For best results you will need to use 100% organic aloe vera gel.

How do you use aloe vera?

  • First, scrape the gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf.
  • Then massage it into the scalp with gentle, circular motions.
  • Wait for the gel to dry  and then rinse with warm water.

Smoothie against hair loss with oats, nettle and cinnamon

External treatments can be combined with this delicious drink that supplies the body with important nutrients from within.

The amazing amount of vitamins and minerals that this oat, nettle and cinnamon smoothie contains are an excellent example of this. In addition, they will ensure that the health of your hair will improve significantly.


  • 40 grams or 4 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 10 grams or 1 tablespoon nettle
  • 40 grams or 2 tablespoons cane sugar
  • 7 grams or 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 liter of hot water


Smoothie against hair loss

Step 1. First, put four tablespoons of oatmeal in the blender.

Step 2. Add one tablespoon of nettle.

Step 3. Then add two tablespoons of cane sugar.

Step 4. After that, sprinkle in the ground cinnamon.

Smoothie against hair loss

Step 5. Then add a liter of hot water.

Step 6. Then mix all ingredients together.

Step 7. Then pour the mixture through the sieve to remove lumps and ensure the texture is not too powdery.

Step 8. Drink this smoothie when it is cold.

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