Discover The Benefits Of Glycerin For Your Hair

Glycerin is very suitable for repairing our hair, especially when it has become dry and brittle due to frequent coloring, blow-drying and styling.
Discover the benefits of glycerin for your hair

You’ve probably heard of glycerin, but are you also familiar with the benefits of glycerin ?

Glycerin is a liquid element of natural origin. It is sticky and colorless. It is mainly used for developing cosmetics and soap.

Did you know that glycerin contains properties that contribute to the well-being of both our skin and hair?

Glycerin and your hair

Regardless of what type of hair you have and what condition your hair is in, glycerin has benefits for all hair types.

Nevertheless, it is particularly suitable for dry and brittle hair. That can result in split ends and brittle hair over time. It can be the result of dyeing your hair regularly.

The benefits of glycerin

The benefits of glycerin

The benefits of glycerin are endless. It’s possible:

  • repair split ends.
  • stimulate hair growth.
  • help with combing by making your hair easy to manage.
  • avoid frizzy hair.
  • help with dandruff.
  • counteract extreme dryness.

How can you reap the benefits of glycerin?

Glycerin can be used in different ways. In this article we will show you different recipes that contribute to the health of your hair.

Moisturizing Mask


  • 15 ml vegetable glycerin
  • 15 g olive oil
  • 25 gr honey

Preparation and application

  • Mix the ingredients in a wide bowl until smooth.
  • Apply the mixture to damp hair and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse your hair with cold hair.

It is recommended to use this mask at least twice a week. 

Conditioner with glycerine


  • 125 ml glycerine
  • 30 ml (odorless) conditioner
  • 625ml water

Preparation and application

  • Mix the ingredients in a bowl until not too thick.
  • Before applying the mixture, it is best to wash your hair as usual. Then apply the conditioner with glycerin.
  • It is possible to use this conditioner every day, but do not overdo it.

A healthy mask


  • 15 ml glycerin
  • 60 g aloe vera gel

Preparation and application

  • First, mix the aloe vera gel with the glycerin in a bowl.
  • Then keep stirring until a firm but smooth mixture is formed.
  • Apply the mixture to wet hair from crown to ends.
  • Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with plenty of warm water.

Glycerin and chamomile shampoo


  • 30 ml vegetable glycerin gel
  • 500ml water
  • 60 gr loose chamomile tea
  • 60 gr odorless shampoo powder

Preparation and application

  • Bring the water to a boil and then add the chamomile tea.
  • Then add the soap powder and the glycerine gel. Remove the loose chamomile tea with a wooden spatula and let the mixture cool.
  • After cooling, you can store the mixture closed in a cool and dry place.
  • Use the mixture just like a normal shampoo.  


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