5 Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home

It doesn’t matter if you live in a small house. It is always worth growing your own medicinal plants at home.
5 medicinal plants you can grow at home

It doesn’t matter if you live in a small house, it’s always worth growing your own medicinal plants at home . All you need is a few flower pots, a spot with some light, and consistent, occasional watering.

Aloe vera, mint, chamomile… All these plants are said to have medicinal properties. Your kids will love watching them grow and learning about the wonders nature gives us along the way.

Medicinal plants you can grow at home

Having your own garden at home with medicinal and medicinal plants is almost like having a small pharmacy, which you can use at any time.

A cold, a stomachache, an injury that just won’t heal, a good relaxing toner… Nature is wonderful, a cure for everyone, from which you can learn every day.

So why not grow a small selection of medicinal plants at home? Of course you should!

It’s definitely worth a try, so read this article carefully to learn more about medicinal plants that you can easily grow in flower pots.

1. Aloe Vera

aloe vera

Aloe vera does not require extensive care. You should put the plant in a flower pot and place it in a place where there is enough light, for example on your balcony, and water it occasionally.

The plant is generally very fertile. The fleshy leaves are full of water, enzymes and are rich in amino acids, which can help regenerate damaged skin. You can easily make a healing gel by cutting the leaves.

If you want to grow it at home, it’s best to do it in a clay flower pot and not one made of plastic. Fill the flower pot with normal soil, 50% sphagnum and put two finger tips of stone on the bottom for drainage.

It is essential that the plant always receives sufficient direct sunlight and that you protect it from the cold in winter.

2. Coin


Who can resist a good infusion of mint in the middle of the day? This remedy is said to be excellent for stomach pain and is a great toner with calming effects, which you can combine with another type of plant to make teas and infusions.

But how do you breed it? That is very easy, because this plant can be planted all year round and needs little care. It also repels bees, lice and many other insects.

Find a clay flower pot, put in as much soil as sphagnum and pebbles in the bottom for drainage. Mint prefers partial sunlight, so don’t expose it to direct sunlight.

3. Sage


To take advantage of the benefits of this plant, you must have clay soil and always ensure that you have good drainage.

Sage also needs a lot of sunlight, which is why, for example, your balcony or a part of the house where it is always sunny is a perfect place.

The plant is said to have a relaxing, digestive and excellent effect on reducing inflammation or even headaches. Can you resist the temptation not to have this plant in your home?

4. Parsley


Parsley is an excellent detoxifier. It is said to cleanse the kidneys, fight bad breath, protect your immune system, give your meals extra flavor and also contains a lot of iron.

But how do you breed it? It’s very simple. Parsley needs at least five hours of good sunlight a day. Then you can put him in the shade. You will need a flower pot with a little soil, sphagnum and pebbles for the bottom.

The tricky part is that parsley grows very slowly, so don’t forget to water the plant even if you don’t think the seeds are growing. Because they do!

It will take a few months, but they will grow. And when they’re fully grown, you’ll never be able to live without the parsley again.

Remember that your own parsley will always have more flavor than the ones you buy in the supermarket and you can always cut it off without fear of losing its properties in the fridge like the ones you buy.

5. Chamomile


Chamomile is a medicinal plant that everyone should have at home. It can help you relax and is said to reduce anxiety and regularize heart problems.

So it’s well worth having these on hand at all times so you can make an infusion when you need it most.

How do you breed him? Again it is very easy. You should always plant chamomile in the summer, when it is very hot. You should have one part dark earth and one part sand, so that the water can always drain well.

Next, you need to place it in an area of ​​the house where there is light, but not too much sunlight or at least no direct sunlight.

Remember you need the flowers for an infusion. That is why you should wait until the flowers are fully open before picking them. But be careful not to pull the root out, otherwise they won’t be able to bloom.

We encourage you to grow these medicinal and medicinal plants at home with your kids. So you can enjoy the healthy benefits.

However, use common sense before rushing into eating plants. Always consult a doctor before trying any natural remedy.

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