Should We Eat The Skin Of Fruit?

In this article we explain when it is good and not good to eat the skin of fruit. So learn how to get all the possible benefits from fruit.
Should we eat the skin of fruit?

There is a lot of confusion about whether or not we should eat the skin of fruits such as apples, pears, citrus fruits, grapes, etc. Others, such as banana and pineapple, may even surprise you. In this article we explain when it is good and not good to eat the skin of fruit. So learn how to get all the possible benefits from fruit.

What nutrients does fruit peel contain?

In the past, fruits were eaten whole, even fruits that we think we should throw away the peel, such as the peel of lemon and orange. However, they can be used to treat certain diseases.

The skin is the part of the fruit that receives the most energy because it is most exposed to the sun. It protects the inner part of the fruit from harsh weather conditions. The skin contains the most color and fiber (and therefore also more nutrients).

What can you do with the peel of fruit

When should we not eat the skin of fruit?

The biggest problem with fruits and vegetables today is that  a large amount of pesticides are used to increase yields and protect crops. This makes it different from the fruits and vegetables we ate decades ago.

Even when you wash the fruit, it still contains pesticides. These penetrate the fruit through the pores. Some fruits have larger pores than others. For that reason , people today usually recommend peeling all fruit before eating it.

For those who would like to take advantage of the benefits of the nutrients found in the skin of fruit, we recommend that you always choose ecologically or organically certified fruit. You can also grow your own fruits and vegetables.

In addition, always wash it well with water and baking soda. If necessary, scrape some over the skin with a knife or a special instrument to clean vegetables.

Which peel is recommended?

We recommend that you always eat the skins of the following fruits, as long as they are organic:

  • Apple : The skin of the apple contains ursolic acid, which helps to keep muscles healthy, but is also anti-inflammatory. It prevents high cholesterol and stimulates collagen production. In addition, it also provides your body with fiber and pectin, which prevents constipation.
  • Pear : To enjoy all the antioxidant properties of pears, you must eat the fruit whole. The peel is packed with vitamin C. It also contains soluble fiber, which makes eating pears a feeling of satisfaction. This also prevents constipation and counteracts diseases such as colon cancer.
  • Citrus fruit : The peel is the part that contains the most antioxidants. The flavonoids present help to prevent certain types of cancer in a natural way (mainly breast and skin cancer). It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
    • The peel contains the majority of the vitamin C present and has a diuretic and relaxing effect and has a positive effect on digestion.
  • Grapes:  Flavonoids, anthocyanin pigment and resveratrol are mainly found in the skin and seeds of the grape. These protect blood vessels and cardiovascular health in general. The peel also contains a lot of antioxidants.
  • Banana : The peel of the banana has antibiotic, anti-fungal and enzymatic properties. You can eat banana peel raw or cooked, but you have to wash it first. The inside of the peel can also whiten your teeth. Rub it over your teeth after brushing.
  • Pineapple:  You can make a healthy and therapeutic tea or a delicious fermented drink with pineapple peel. Both drinks avoid the build-up of fluid in your body and improve digestion.
The peel of fruit

A note about allergies

There are people who are allergic to the skin of certain fruits. However, it is more likely that it is a substance added to the plant to stimulate growth or repel insects that cause the allergic reaction. We therefore always recommend buying ecological fruit,  especially if you want to eat the peel.

Images courtesy of torbakhopper, hayleysuzanne, and Emily Barney 

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