Improve The Look Of Your Hair In Just 10 Days

To stimulate blood circulation and aid the elimination of toxins, brush your hair daily from roots to tips and massage the scalp.
Improve the look of your hair in just 10 days

Hair loss is considered an aesthetic problem. The majority of people who suffer from hair loss are therefore looking for a treatment to improve the appearance of their hair again. Full and healthy hair is often associated with beauty and health.

There are therefore many different treatments to improve the appearance of your hair. However, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money to get back the beauty and lusciousness of your hair.

If you want to have healthy looking hair in ten days, check out the following tips to help your hair regenerate and strengthen naturally.

Food you should eat

Foods you should eat to improve the look of your hair

During the ten-day treatment, it  is essential that you eat foods rich in:

  • iron
  • protein
  • vitamins
  • minerals
  • omega 3 fatty acids.

These nutrients are good for the hair and help prevent hair loss.

Your daily diet during this treatment should therefore include:

  • different portions of vegetables.
  • 2 to 4 servings of fruit.
  • 4 to 5 servings of beans and dairy products or 2 to 3 servings of lean meat.

Add all ingredients to the menu without eating the same thing every day.

Stimulate the scalp to improve the appearance of your hair

Stimulating the scalp is also essential to improve your hair’s appearance and growth.

  • Use a soft brush to stimulate your scalp in the morning and evening. Do this through 50 strokes, with even strokes from roots to tips.
  • Use your fingers and  massage your scalp to promote circulation and remove toxins. Massage it only with your fingers or with olive or coconut oil.

Cut the ends of your hair

If you notice that your hair looks dull, dead and dry, you should think about cutting your hair or at least cutting the ends.

  • Cutting the ends ensures that your hair can get more oxygen and grow healthy.
  • If you prefer not to cut the ends, you can also rub coconut oil or another natural oil on them. Coconut oil, almond oil and olive oil are very good for taking care of split ends.


Meditating for a few minutes a day can make a big difference in your life, as well as for your health and beauty.

  • Meditation reduces stress and thus slows down hair loss due to tension. Your hair will look healthy and strong.
  • To meditate, you need a quiet place, free from distractions. Sit with your legs crossed and your eyes closed, concentrating on your breathing. Let go of your thoughts and surrender to reflection.

Natural smoothie

Drink a natural smoothie to improve the look of your hair

This natural smoothie can help improve the appearance of your hair and naturally stimulate hair growth. Use a blender to mix half a cup of yogurt with two tablespoons of wheat germ. Then drink it well. This smoothie will provide your hair and body with the necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Things to avoid

For best results with this treatment, you should avoid:

  • Unhealthy food.
  • Styling products with heat elements.
  • Direct sun exposure during extended periods.
  • Chemical products such as hair dye and other products that are bad for the hair.

Natural treatments

Natural treatments with, for example, dandelion to improve the appearance of your hair

This natural treatment helps improve the appearance of your hair and may also stop hair loss. At the same time, it helps to stimulate growth. It is effective because of the three main ingredients: licorice root, burdock root and dandelion. All of these provide benefits for the hair.


  • Half a cup of water
  • Ground licorice root (one cup)
  • A cup of burdock root
  • A cup of dandelion root


  • First add the crushed licorice root to the water.
  • Then crush the dandelion and burdock root with a mortar or food processor to make a fine paste.
  • Then mix the paste with the licorice root. Then apply it on the scalp.
  • The idea is to leave this treatment on the hair for 24 hours to allow the scalp to absorb the nutrients.
  • Finally, rinse it out and repeat this treatment twice a week.

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